So Meghan Markle has been linked to the Tatler article that upset Duchess Kate Middleton to such an extent that Kensington Palace has taken steps to remove the piece.
Color me surprised!
I’ve seen people say that Meghan’s involvement is nothing more than a wild conspiracy theory put forward by crazy Kate Middleton fans.
Okay, let’s have a closer look and see if it’s really all that insane of an idea.
Meghan Markle is no stranger when it comes to manipulation. We only need to look at her pitiful husband, Prince Harry, to see evidence of that.
But it’s in the control of the media and her public image that Malibu Meg really comes into her own.
Her desire to micromanage her public persona borders on obsession.
Who remembers her visit to the feminist climate change group Justice for Girls at the beginning of this year in Canada?
On the surface, it all looked very organic and spontaneous.
Before the charity was allowed to mention the event publicly, they had to run the wording of their Tweet and the photos they were using past Meghan’s team for approval.
Often-times we hear Meghan’s viewpoint and pieces of information about her from “friends” who leak information to the media.
Seriously girl, you need to get yourself some new friends! It seems every time you have a private conversation with them, they go running to the media!
Even worse, they have no qualms about leaking your conversations to the very media outlet you’re currently fighting in court.
One of Meghan’s friends is Jessica Mulroney. And when I say she’s a friend, I mean she’s a go-between for Meghan and the media.
Back in April 2018, Meghan Markle found out her former agent, Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne was telling the Mail on Sunday all about how Meghan Markle was meeting Prince Harry for lunch in London.
Unhappy with her lack of control over the content that would be published about her, Meghan asked Mrs. Mulroney to contact Nelthorpe-Cowne and ask her to adjust her quotes to ensure a “more favorable” reflection on Meghan in the article.
I was very interested to learn from The Sun that there is a clear connection that runs from Meghan Markle to the author of the Tatler piece. A source claims:
[Anna Pasternak] is very well connected in the US. She is friends with Vanessa Mulroney, who used to work at Tatler and now lives in Canada. And Vanessa’s sister-in-law Jessica is Meghan’s best friend. It’s intriguing.
Intriguing indeed.
The question at this point is, would Meghan Markle lower herself to such an extent as to influence an article in the media that paints Kate Middleton in a bad light?
The answer? Of course she would!
Meghan’s jealousy of Kate is evident in virtually everything she does. Now, I don’t think it’s anything personal. I just think that Meghan Markle is so used to everything revolving around her that it’s difficult for her to accept that there’s another female in the room who is more important.
The thing is, this Tatler episode will blow over. It’s a minor issue for Kate Middleton. She has far more important things to be concerning herself with, so I don’t think the matter will even reach court.
Of course, Meghan’s deluded fanbase will see that as some sort of pyrrhic victory, no doubt.
But again, it’s all about Kate Middleton. The future Queen Consort and center of attention that Meghan wishes she could be.