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Sacha Baron Cohen Is a True Patriot – Three Percenters, Take Notes

Last Updated September 23, 2020 2:01 PM
Aaron Weaver
Last Updated September 23, 2020 2:01 PM
  • Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen infiltrated a Three Percenters rally in Olympia, WA.
  • Disguised as a bluegrass singer, he had the right-wing group engage in a racist sing-a-long.
  • The organizers of the event were furious. But why? Cohen did the most “three percenter” thing possible.

Sacha Baron Cohen is back to doing what he does best: tricking people into showing their true feelings.

The comedian set up a concert the middle of a right-wing militia rally and encouraged them to sing-along to a blatantly hateful song.

And they enthusiastically joined.

Sacha Bron Cohen
That’s one way to put it. | Source: Twitter 

The event organizers were furious. But that seems like a terrible reaction for a group that’s hellbent on protecting our constitutional rights.

Sacha Baron Cohen Finds His Singing Voice

The comedian dressed up in stereotypical hillbilly attire and took the stage on Saturday. Backed by a bluegrass band, he belted out hateful ideologies at a Three Percenter Rally.

He encouraged the roughly 500 far-right wingers to sing along.

They obliged.

Sacha Baron Cohen had them actively engaged in a call-and-response session. He threw out names like Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and “mask wearers.” Rally-goers responded by singing they should inject them with “the Wuhan Flu,” or “chop them up like the Saudis do.”

He even had them cheering about “nuking them (Chinese people) like we used to do.”


Three Percenters Weren’t Happy

Three Percenters were pissed.

They tried to get him off stage. They tried to cut the generators. But they couldn’t because Cohen’s security blocked them.

That’s because they had a “very large donor” from California who contracted the security for them.

A city council member in Yelm, Washington, posted an angry comment on Facebook. He said he was “disgusted” by Sacha Baron Cohen for pulling a “bullsh*t stunt.”

Three percenter
Why so angry, James? | Source: Twitter 

But is he disgusted with Sacha, or is he disgusted with the Three Percenter’s behavior?

Cohen Is the Ideal Three Percenter

On the Three Percenters website,  they define themselves as:

A national organization made up of patriotic citizens who love their country, their freedoms, and their liberty. We are committed to standing against and exposing corruption and injustice.

That sounds like exactly what Sasha Baron Cohen was doing. He’s a “patriotic citizen” who exposed the injustice, racism, and hatred of the festival-goers.

Their website even has a handy checklist of what makes a Three Percenter. Cohen checks off every box.

  1. Moral Strength: Cohen clearly showed that by risking his safety to reveal the hatred in the community.
  2. Physical Readiness: Luckily, he brought a team of up to 50 security guards for protection.
  3. No First Use of Force: He didn’t force anyone to do anything. He merely invited them to engage in a sing-along, and they voluntarily joined.

Sacha might’ve been the most authentic Three Percenter at their own rally. I guess I’d be mad too.

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