The Epic Games Store has finally dropped its Holiday Sale . The sale is actually pretty impressive, with massive discounts, a $10 coupon, and free games. The real question is: will this be enough to save their reputation with gamers?
Over the past year, Epic has been trying their hardest to ingratiate themselves with gamers. Unfortunately for them, it hasn’t really been working, partially due to how slow they’ve been with updates. Just last month it was still possible to find a decent amount of hate towards the storefront on Reddit. It looks like their latest effort has started to turn things in their favor.
This sale is truly insane. Offering decent discounts is one thing, and these discounts are getting as high as 75% off. But, Epic is also offering free games every single day from now until Jan. 1. Of course, the free games are only a good deal if the games themselves are any good.
If the first game being given away is any sort of indicator, then we’re in for a very good 12 days. Today’s game is Into the Breach, a mech-combat strategy game from the creators of FTL: Faster Than Light. The game has an impressive 90 on Metacritic for the PC version . That’s one hell of an opening salvo.
As if that weren’t enough, the Epic Games Store sale also offers a $10 coupon. You can spend the coupon on any game which costs $14.99 or more, meaning you could be picking up a game for as little as $4.99. It really seems like Epic is trying hard to win over their detractors.
If you search ‘Epic Games Store’ on Twitter right now , you’ll find a lot of positive feedback. Many people are impressed by the deals being offered. Some have even asked why Steam isn’t able to offer deals anywhere near this good during their sale events .
If these responses are anything to go by, the Epic Games Store might be having a very merry Christmas this year. This might be the first sign that public perception is starting to steer in favor of the store, which can only be good news for Epic.
How long this will last, of course, is another question. The general public might start using the Epic Store, but there is little doubt that the die-hard haters will turn their noses up at it. Of course, if it’s just a few hundred people on a sub-Reddit somewhere, will it make any difference?