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Future ‘Queen’ Kate Middleton Is Already Whining About Her ‘Difficult’ Role

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Bernadette Giacomazzo
Last Updated
  • Duchess Kate is reportedly traumatized about her newfound royal duties.
  • She’s portrayed in the media as a delicate, put-upon flower who is suffering so.
  • Middleton is the future Queen Consort of England — why shouldn’t she work?

Duchess Kate will, one day, be the Queen Consort of England. 

Heavy will be the crown she wears. When she is finally called “Queen Kate,” her responsibilities will be many.

She will support her husband in his roles as Head of State, the Armed Forces, and the Church of England.

She will also be required to represent the United Kingdom when she travels abroad – and host garden parties.

But it seems the media only knows that last duty.

That’s the only explanation for why they’re portraying her as a delicate, put-upon flower now that she has more responsibilities.

Duchess Kate Says Multitasking Is ‘Hard,’ But What Did She Expect?

In a recent interview, the Duchess said that assuming more responsibilities in the wake of COVID-19  was “so difficult.” Presumably, she meant to show that she was “just like us.”

But it certainly didn’t come off that way.

Most of the coverage around the former Kate Middleton is of a more domestic variety.

“Look how chic the Duchess looks in this oh-so-cute floral dress!” crows one headline . “Her favorite designer now makes face masks, how darling!cries another headline.  And hey, aren’t we all the better for knowing about Duchess Kate’s “royal hack” for hiding bra lines ?

But her sister-in-law Meghan Markle — who was never going to sit on the British throne — gets roasted for “eyeing” a house that has more than one bathroom. And the implication, of course, is that Markle should be content with scullery maid’s quarters, while the fair Duchess should have all the nice things.


Queen Elizabeth Was A Badass — Kate Middleton Should Be, Too

Even though Queen Elizabeth II is looked at, today, as a doddering grandmother type, she was — and remains — a force of nature.

When Queen Elizabeth II was younger than Duchess Kate is today, she worked on cars during World War II. As part of the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service , “Elizabeth Windsor” (as she was known) was a trained mechanic and licensed truck driver.

And sure, she hosts her garden parties . More than 30,000 people turn up every year to hold court. And that’s just one of her many “soft skills.” 

But she also speaks French fluently , having been trained by the best native-speaking governesses money could buy.

Far from being the “priggish schoolgirl” that Duchess Kate delights in being, Queen Elizabeth II is as badass as a Queen of England should be.

It’s time for the “fair Duchess” to recognize that her life is not one of leisure and bonbons. She needs to step up to the plate and be as tough and assertive as her mother-in-law is if she expects to rule the United Kingdom.

Editor’s note: This article was updated to clarify that Kate Middleton will be “Queen Consort” when her husband becomes King.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of CCN.com.

Bernadette Giacomazzo

Bernadette Giacomazzo is an editor, writer, and photographer whose work has appeared in Teen Vogue, People, Us Weekly, The Source, XXL, HipHopDX, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Post, BET.com, and more. She is also the author of The Uprising series and is the CEO of the acclaimed G-Force Marketing & Publicity firm, which has been featured in The Hollywood Reporter and has scored film, television, radio, and print placements for celebrity clientele worldwide. Reach her via email . Visit her LinkedIn profile here .
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