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Excitement Builds As Dogecoin’s First Birthday Nears

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Jonathan Saewitz
Last Updated
An image of the Shiba Inu breed of dog. The Shiba Inu is a large dog that has yellow-brownish and white fur.
Users of Dogecoin call each other ‘Shibes’, after the meme which Dogecoin is based on, which features the Shiba Inu breed of dog

One year ago tomorrow, Dogecoin entered the cryptocurrency world . This curious new coin, which was based on the popular Shiba Inu from the Doge meme , was very well received by cryptocurrency enthusiasts. A mining pool was created within hours of launch, and people began to mine Dogecoin. Some did it for the fun of it; they were just looking to get a piece of the action of this fun new coin based off of a meme. Others believed in Dogecoin’s future, some even saying that Dogecoin would replace Bitcoin.

Little did these first few supporters of Dogecoin know that they were beginning a journey of kindness, happiness, and optimism in a cryptocurrency world that could be scary at times. Soon after its inception, Dogecoiners began to create charity initiatives to help people around the world. One of their first projects was raising money to help send the Jamaican bobsled team to the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Soon afterwards, Shibes raised money to build two water wells in a Kenyan community. These projects were followed by a plethora of other initiatives that helped the world.

Perhaps Shibes’ most popular achievement, however, was their funding of a NASCAR driver, Josh Wise. They raised over $55,000 in Dogecoin to do so, and Wise’s car wrap was designed by the community. In an exclusive interview with CCN.com, when asked the question “What were you thinking when you heard about the potential sponsorship from Dogecoin?”, Wise responded, “Well at first I was like, I didn’t even necessarily think it was gonna be possible. You know it’s a pretty big feat that everybody pulled off to raise as much money as was raised. At first I appreciated their thought and their effort that everyone was bringing into it. But I was a little bit dismissive you know because I really didn’t think it was gonna happen. But then I kinda saw everything beginning to materialize and the momentum it was gaining, it became apparent pretty quick that there was a big chance of it happening. It was pretty amazing the whole process, really.” Wise has remained active with the Dogecoin community and has raced in a few competitions with Dogecoin’s wrap.

Dogecoin’s Price Fluctuations

Dogecoin’s price has fluctuated pretty heavily, often in pattern with the Bitcoin price. Dogecoin hit a high of $1.80/1,000 doge on February 12th, and has been stable for the past two months, currently resting at $0.23/1,000 doge. Despite its price swings, Shibes have always remained positive. Their popular catchphrase ‘to the moon!’ is a metaphor for a rise in Dogecoin’s price, and can be seen constantly on dogecoin’s reddit community . Shibes are notorious for their kindness in tipping, and can be found calling for dogetipbot everywhere in comments on reddit posts. Tipping is also popular on Dogecoin’s IRC channel, #dogecoin .

Dogecoin’s Thunderclap

To celebrate its birthday, Shibes are creating a Thunderclap for Dogecoin. Thunderclap is a website through which people can create campaigns to cause a simultaneous mass-posting of content on social media in support of a campaign. For the Dogecoin Thunderclap, people can choose to connect with their Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr. On December 8th at 12:00 am EST, Dogecoin’s birthday, Thunderclap will simultaneously post the message “Dogecoin celebrates its 1st birthday! Come party with us on /r/dogecoin :) #dogecoinbirthday https://thndr.it/PcIrLI” on whatever accounts people connected. Thunderclap estimates the reach of a Thunderclap based on how many followers or friends a user’s account has. Dogecoin is aiming for a reach of 1,000,000 people, and is currently at 872,512. Dogecoin’s goal of 500 supporters was easily surpassed, and currently has 736. Dogecoin has created quite a few Thunderclaps in the past, their most popular one having a reach of over 980,000 people.

Celebrate Good Times!

Shibes on reddit and IRC are eagerly anticipating Dogecoin’s first Birthday. On reddit, the creator of DogeRain, a mobile app that allows you to give away dogecoins to people near you, said that the app could probably handle the stress of the usage it will likely receive tomorrow. Dogecoiners are bound to host hundreds of giveaways to celebrate this important occasion, and just have fun celebrating. On #dogecoin on IRC, typing the command “!bday” gives you a live countdown to the second of how long until Dogecoin’s birthday.

In summary, Dogecoiners have plenty to celebrate. They’ve changed the lives of thousands of people all over the world, and don’t let anyone damage their positive atmosphere. It would not be surprising if a new charity initiative is created in celebration of Dogecoin’s first Birthday. Stay up to date with Dogecoin, Shibes are doing great things!

What’s your opinion on Dogecoin? Let us know in the comments below!

Shiba Inu image from Wikimedia Commons. Dogecoin price graph from CoinMarketCap. Featured image from Shutterstock.

Jonathan Saewitz

I am a teenager in high school who is very interested in digital currencies. I enjoy researching Bitcoin and other digital currencies, but my favorite crypto is Dogecoin. Please feel free to email me at [email protected].
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