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Top 10 Blockchain Oracles

Last Updated July 10, 2023 8:32 AM
Andrew Kamsky
Last Updated July 10, 2023 8:32 AM

Key Takeaways

  • Oracle projects bring revolutionary changes to blockchain and Web3 ecosystems.
  • Chainlink, Band Protocol, and DIA are leading projects with secure oracles and customizable data feeds.
  • Augur, Tellor expanded oracle use cases in prediction markets and decentralized insurance.
  • Provable, API3, Razor Network, UMA, and DOS Network contribute to security, scalability, and data integrity.

Decentralized and transparent systems are now possible because of blockchain technology, which has caused a fundamental shift in many different industries. Blockchain platforms’ restricted access to actual data, however, poses a serious problem for them. Blockchain oracles can be useful in this situation.

Decentralized apps (dApps) and smart contracts can interact with off-chain data and carry out real-world actions thanks to blockchain oracles, which act as a connection between the blockchain and the outside world. 

This article will discuss top ten blockchain oracles that have revolutionized decentralized data feeds and made it possible for smart contracts to securely and dependably access and use real-time data.


Chainlink is a leading provider of decentralized oracle networks (DONs) that facilitate the connection between blockchains and external inputs and outputs. Some features of Chainlink include its ability to connect smart contracts with off-chain resources such as price data, verifiable randomness, automation functions, and external application programming interfaces (APIs). 

This connectivity bridges the gap between blockchain networks and the real world, enabling dApps to react to real-world events and interact with traditional systems. Chainlink achieves this through secure oracles, which ensure the reliability and tamper-resistance of data and events delivered to the blockchain.

In the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, Chainlink Price Feeds provide critical financial market data necessary for issuing, settling, and securing DeFi applications. It also facilitates the creation of stablecoins by securing the minting process and maintaining peg stability. Furthermore, Chainlink’s oracles are used in gaming, NFTs, trading, and other sectors to enable fair distribution models, dynamic gameplay, and efficient market pricing.

Band Protocol

Band Protocol is a cross-chain data oracle platform that aims to provide reliable, secure, and real-time data to smart contracts on various blockchain networks. Built on top of BandChain, a blockchain designed to be compatible with most smart contract and blockchain development frameworks. The protocol aggregates real-world data and APIs to smart contracts, allowing blockchain applications to access trusted external data.

Band Protocol offers a flexibility in its design that allows developers to query various types of data, including on-chain data, real-world events, and data available through the web or other mediums. The use cases for Band Protocol span across different industries and verticals.

In DeFi, Band Protocol’s oracles play a crucial role in providing accurate and time-sensitive data for applications such as price feeds, lending platforms, and derivatives. The flexibility of Band Protocol allows developers to create custom-made oracles using WebAssembly, connecting smart contracts with traditional web APIs. 


Augur is a decentralized oracle and prediction market platform. It enables users to set up and take part in prediction markets where users who own Reputation (REP), Augur’s native token, determine the outcomes. 

Augur’s platform is built on the Ethereum blockchain and utilizes smart contracts for market creation, trading, and settlement. With Augur, users have the ability to create markets on a wide range of topics and bet on the outcomes they believe will occur.

The use cases for Augur’s prediction markets are diverse. Augur can be utilized for forecasting events in various domains, including sports, politics, finance, and more. It enables users to express their opinions, make predictions, and potentially profit from their accurate predictions. The basic concept of Augur involves users staking REP tokens on the outcome they believe to be correct in a market. 


Tellor is a decentralized oracle platform that enhances the functionality and reliability of DeFi applications. As part of the growing landscape of oracle projects in blockchain, Tellor ensures the integrity and security of data used in blockchain applications by hosting a decentralized network of data providers, immutable on-chain data storage, and a proof of work consensus mechanism

Tellor’s use cases span various areas, including price feeds for DeFi protocols, real-time data for synthetic asset platforms, and accurate information for decentralized insurance protocols. By providing a decentralized and secure data infrastructure, Tellor contributes to the growth and maturation of the DeFi ecosystem, enabling developers to build innovative and reliable solutions. 


DIA is an end-to-end oracle platform that redefines the way decentralized applications access real-world data in the Web3 ecosystem. By offering transparent and verified data feeds for traditional and digital financial applications, DIA sets a new standard for oracle projects. 

With a focus on customization and resilience, DIA allows users to create tailor-made data feeds by aggregating raw trade data from over 80 reliable sources, including centralized exchanges, decentralized exchanges, and NFT marketplaces. These customizable feeds enhance the flexibility and reliability of the oracle infrastructure. 

Moreover, DIA’s contribution to the Web3 ecosystem empowers developers and users to build decentralized applications with reliable and up-to-date information, ultimately driving the growth and innovation of blockchain technology. 

Provable (formerly Oraclize) 

A blockchain oracle service called Provable—previously known as Oraclize—enables communication between smart contracts and off-chain data sources. It makes it possible for smart contracts to safely and effectively access and use external data.

By acting as a link between on-chain smart contracts and external data, oracles are essential components of blockchain ecosystems. In order to provide data to smart contracts, Provable serves as a trusted middleman, collecting it from a variety of sources, including APIs, online services, and external databases.

Smart contracts may now access real-time data such as price feeds, weather reports, sports results, and more thanks to Provable. This enables the development of decentralized applications (DApps), which depend on current, precise information from the outside world.

Through cryptographic proofs, Provable protects data integrity and offers verifiable assurance that the data it obtains is accurate and unaltered. As a result, the data used by smart contracts is more secure and reliable.

Additionally, Provable supports several blockchain platforms and provides a variety of integration options, making it available to developers who are creating applications on various blockchains.


API3 is a decentralized project aiming to provide traditional API services to smart contract platforms in a collaborative and trust-minimized manner. It is governed by the API3 DAO and runs on open-source software.

The genesis of API3 can be found in Honeycomb, which offered an API marketplace for oracles. To meet the demands of API providers, the team created the Airnode, a serverless oracle node, despite being aware of the shortcomings of the third-party oracle approach.

As a result of years of development and learning, API3 has evolved into an API-centric solution that highlights the significance of API providers as essential elements in Oracle solutions.

Razor Network

A decentralized oracle network called Razor Network seeks to deliver safe and dependable off-chain data to smart contracts on different blockchain platforms. To maintain data integrity and accuracy, it uses a special consensus process called Proof of Authority (PoA). By giving smart contracts access to real-world data such as price feeds, sports results, and more, Razor Network makes it easier to create dApps that have real-time data.

By letting anybody become a node operator and take part in the network’s consensus process, it places a high priority on decentralization and openness. Razor Network uses PoA to deliver data more quickly and at a lower cost than conventional Oracle solutions. 

Its scalable and effective architecture makes it appropriate for many blockchain ecosystems, enabling developers to produce creative and reliable DApps. Razor Network seeks to effectively and robustly bridge the gap between blockchain and conventional data sources by putting a strong emphasis on security, decentralization, and data reliability.


The DeFi system known as UMA, or Universal Market Access, facilitates the development of digital assets and financial contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Developers can create and release self-enforcing, decentralized financial products on the UMA platform without the use of conventional middlemen.

The production of “priceless” synthetic assets, known as uTokens, which are intended to track the value of actual assets, such as commodities, equities, or fiat currencies, is one of the main aspects of UMA. These uTokens are created and destroyed based on changes in price feeds and are collateralized by UMA’s native token, named UMA.

To accomplish this collateralization and enforce the settlement of contracts, UMA uses a novel method known as “Priceless Financial Contracts.” These contracts are meant to be censorship-proof, transparent, and trustless, giving users safe and unrestricted access to a variety of financial instruments.

A decentralized oracle system that offers trustworthy price feeds for contract settlement is also a component of the UMA protocol. By doing this, accurate and current pricing information is guaranteed without relying on a single, central oracle.

Additionally, UMA introduces a decentralized governance mechanism where holders of UMA tokens can take part in protocol updates and decision-making. This gives the community the ability to influence the growth and development of the UMA ecosystem as a whole.

The goal of UMA is to democratize access to financial markets and develop an unrestricted platform for cutting-edge and adaptable financial solutions. UMA promises to open up new DeFi opportunities and let users to take part in synthetic assets and derivative contracts by utilizing smart contracts, decentralized oracles, and community governance.

DOS Network

A decentralized oracle service called DOS Network intends to give trustworthy and up-to-date information to smart contracts and dApps. By securely and effectively integrating on-chain smart contracts with off-chain data sources, it focuses on resolving the oracle problem.

The network uses a decentralized infrastructure made up of “DOS nodes” to retrieve and validate data from a variety of sources, such as APIs, websites, and business systems. To guarantee the correctness and integrity of the data delivered to dApps, these nodes work together to contribute to the consensus process.

The Proof-of-Relay (PoR) consensus mechanism that DOS Network introduced encourages node operators to provide accurate data by rewarding them for telling the truth and punishing them for acting maliciously. By using this consensus technique, data streams are more secure and reliable.

In addition to data oracles, the DOS Network supports verifiable random functions (VRF), which enable decentralized applications (dApps) to safely generate unbiased and unpredictable random numbers on the blockchain.

The DOS Network uses decentralized infrastructure and consensus procedures to increase scalability, performance, and trust in the oracle domain. The DOS Network improves the capabilities and effectiveness of dApps by offering trustworthy and tamper-proof data feeds, enabling them to access and utilize real-world data in a decentralized manner.


The fast-paced development of oracle projects is set to revolutionize the blockchain and Web3 ecosystems. Chainlink leads the way with secure oracles, while Band Protocol and DIA offer customizable data feeds. Augur, Tellor, and other projects expand the use cases of oracles in prediction markets and decentralized insurance. 

Provable, API3, Razor Network, UMA, and DOS Network contribute to security, scalability, and data integrity. As the demand for reliable data feeds grows, these advancements will enable smart contracts to interact with the real world, unlocking new possibilities for decentralized applications and DeFi protocols. The future holds exciting potential for continued innovation and adoption of blockchain technology.


What is the purpose of oracle projects like Chainlink, Band Protocol, and Tellor? 

These oracle projects facilitate the connection between blockchain networks and external resources, allowing smart contracts to access real-world data and interact with traditional systems. 

What are the use cases for oracle projects in prediction markets and decentralized insurance? 

Projects like Augur and Tellor enable prediction markets where users can create and participate in markets on various topics and make predictions for potential profit. 

How do oracle projects contribute to the security, scalability, and data integrity of blockchain ecosystems? 

Projects like Provable, API3, Razor Network, UMA, and DOS Network enhance security by protecting data integrity, offering verifiable assurance, and using decentralized infrastructure. 

How do oracle projects enable the adoption of blockchain technology? 

Oracle projects bridge the gap between blockchain networks and the real world by providing reliable, up-to-date data feeds to smart contracts. This enables decentralized applications and DeFi protocols to make informed decisions and interact with real-world events and systems.