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According to recent statistics , “last year around 110,000 drones (technically known as unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs) were sold for commercial use, according to Gartner, a consultancy. That figure is expected to rise to 174,000 this year and the number of consumer drones to 2.8m. Although unit sales of commercial drones are much smaller, total revenues from them are nearly twice as big as for the consumer kind”.
The transport and logistics industry has a bright future ahead thanks to the appearance of drones, a technological innovation that undoubtedly is supposed to grow in the coming years. However, as amazing as it sounds, companies did not jump to implement this delivery solution as soon as possible due to their technological immaturity. Blockchain has come to help in solving many of these problems, and particularly these related to drone traffic management.
That is why companies such as DEEP AERO have integrated the decentralized blockchain structure into a drone traffic management platform in order to make drones leading the logistic industry. “DEEP AERO is currently researching prototype technologies such as airspace design, dynamic geofencing, congestion management, terrain avoidance, route planning, re-routing, separation management, sequencing and spacing, and contingency management. DEEP AERO UTM includes universal drone registration standards, secure identification systems, tamper-proof flight data recorders, accurate and trustworthy 3D mapping data, dynamic weather information, and secure vehicle-to-vehicle communication. (source ) ”
Using a blockchain decentralized system to implement the 30-minute delivery service
The most obvious usage of drones is in transport delivery, namely consumer package delivery, where people ordering from Amazon or DHL will have their items delivered in no more than 30 minutes. As of now, the service applies only to those customers within a 10-mile distance from the company’s fulfillment centers, however many see blockchain as a possibility to extend it almost regardless of distance. Certainly, this would make all customers across the globe set higher expectations for all the other organizations activating in the same sector and taking into account that this announcement was made years ago, people should already be expecting the implementation of drone delivery.
It does seem that Amazon, which represents a leader in the transport and logistics industry, grasped the nettle and started experimenting with this innovative concept. For this reason, we can try to visualize the impact of drones blockchain-based on the future of logistics industry. Since we never know what tomorrow holds, we can only guess the changes that will occur due to commercial drone technology.
Drones might revolutionize medical and military transport in the next years
Apart from costumer package delivery, companies can use blockchain-based drones for other purposes as well. For instance, medical transportation would be much faster with these unmanned aerial vehicles. People have to be aware that, although receiving a package in the same day, actually in a few hours since the actual demand, is more than exciting, health wins the competition and transporting essential medical supplies like medications, vaccines, and blood to those in need would be revolutionary and life-saving. Technology is useful if you know how to use it to people’s advantage, with the purpose of creating a better, happier and healthier world. Finally, yet importantly, the military could also benefit from drone delivery to transport cargo and necessary supplies. In fact, with staggering financial investment and human efforts, this method was already brought into effect, thus saving the lives of soldiers having to approach dangerous manned missions. The significant part is that drones can also be useful for surveillance, not just transport of products.