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AI Chatbots Now Capable of Reacting Like Humans in Emotional Situations

Published March 27, 2024 3:38 PM
Samantha Dunn
Published March 27, 2024 3:38 PM

Key Takeaways

  • A recent study shows how Chatbots now mimic human emotions in decision-making.
  • This has implications for various people-focused sectors, including customer service and therapeutic support.
  • Advanced AI models are better at interpreting emotional cues.

Researchers Yukun Zhao, Zhen Huang, Martin Seligman, and Kaiping Peng have shown how AI chatbots can mimic human emotional responses during decision-making.

This research explores artificial intelligence’s complexities, focusing on large language models like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and their capacity to echo human-like emotions.

Chatbots Adapt to Emotional Contexts

In the study , published in Scientific Reports, researchers expose AI chatbots to scenarios triggering various emotional states—positive, negative, or neutral—mirroring human reactions in diverse situations.

These chatbots adapt their decision-making in matters of risk and generosity based on the emotional cues presented, much like humans do. For example, with positive emotional priming, AI showed increased risk-taking and generosity, reflecting human emotional influences.

Advanced AI Models Better at Generating Human-Like Responses

The study’s comparison between different ChatGPT versions revealed that the newer ChatGPT-4 model responds to emotional stimuli with greater nuance than its predecessor, ChatGPT-3.5. This advancement indicates that AI is evolving to interpret and react to emotional cues more similarly to humans.

ChatGP3.5 prosocial tendencies versus ChaGPT4.
Comparisons of prosocial tendencies of the bots primed with negative emotions, the control group, and the bots primed with positive emotion in the ChatGPT-4 and ChatGPT-3.5 models. Source: https://rdcu.be/dCEyK

Researchers were clear to highlight that the study does not in any way suggest that AI can experience emotion, but rather, the “findings demonstrate that AI chatbots can mimic the way human emotions coordinate responses, adjusting their financial and prosocial actions accordingly.

CCN reached out to the authors of the study who did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

An AI-Human Hybrid Future?

This research sheds light on AI’s growing capabilities, prompting important discussions about future human-AI interactions. AI’s responsiveness to emotional cues could improve its role in various sectors, including customer service and therapeutic support. However, the study also raises ethical questions about AI’s ability to simulate human emotions, highlighting the need for careful consideration as these technologies become more integrated into our lives.

The new report offers a glimpse into a future where AI chatbots might understand and even empathize with human emotions, leading to more sophisticated and effective human-AI interactions.

OpenAI’s Sam Altman recently shared his thoughts on AGI, predicting that by the end of the decade “we will have quite capable systems” that will look remarkable compared to today’s technology.

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