Home / Markets News & Opinions / Multiversum Partnering with NEM and ProximaX to Strength Their Data Management Services through Blockchain

Multiversum Partnering with NEM and ProximaX to Strength Their Data Management Services through Blockchain

Last Updated May 13, 2023 12:48 PM
Guest Writer
Last Updated May 13, 2023 12:48 PM
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A partnership between Multiversum , NEM & ProximaX was set as memorandum after the Consensus in New York during May. The agreement signed by ProximaX founder Lon Wong, Nelson Varelo founder of NEM and Multiversum founder Andrea Taini, is mean to integrate the decentralized relational database offer by Multiverse with the NEM and ProximaX to the blockchain system. As per the words of Andrea Taini: “Our vision is to develop together a set of tools to be integrated into a sort of Decentralized Operation System. A system that would meet every decentralized application needs. Multiversum provides a decentralized DataBase to secure data in blockchain, ProximaX from its side provides a decentralized space system to store securely files and managing data streams, and lastly, NEM assists this integration with several tools, representing the engine of the decentralization. Thus, a perfect conjunction of knowledge and capability”.

a group of men standing next to each other

Andrea Taini Founder & CTO of Multiversum – Nelson Varelo Council Member of Nem – Simone Costa CEO of Multiversum – Long Won Founder of Proximax.

NEM  – a platform to deploy the best of blockchain technology for businesses through APIs – and ProximaX  – still a blockchain based platform that provides augmented secured services, content delivery, storage, and media streaming – have seen with lots of interest the data management solutions provided by Multiversum perfectly completing their products. That is because Multiversum, has a rivolutionary data management based in blockchain. They have complete faith in their compact system that they have even plan to organize competitions, with fantastic prizes for every hacker who can break their system. It’s a win-win situation where the organization discovers their shortcomings and can improve their flaws, and hackers get an incredible challenge.

Handling information

Protection of personal data has shown specific challenges in our current system. In the United States Social Security number is used to keep a record of workers’ income and financial history for compensations programs, and benefits. This data collection helps to track government agencies collect taxes as well as helping private companies to follow financial and commercial records.


Also, this year the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has started working on the protection of personal data of all users and incorporated the mandatory request that grants the user’s permission for their use. According to this regulation of the European Union, the personal data purposes must be specified, explicit and legitimate and such data must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is strictly indispensable accordingly to the objectives that are connected. In the case of being a public blockchain, the data is preserved in all nodes of the network, and anyone has access to them, regardless of the original purpose of their collection and processing. blockchain, which was born as the leading platform of cryptocurrencies, is becoming the best mechanism for the authentication and verification of our identity.

The social change

We are in the era where more and more companies base their operations on a cloud computing architecture. In this scenario blockchain provides an efficient way to manage identity checks and information activities. Multiversum has high standards of security and stability. They have taken a step beyond the chain of blocks, transforming blockchain 4.0 into a real and operational system. The philosophy that inspires the company is summarized in three words: people, planet, and security. People for the individual development and respect that has with each human value. Planet for the environmental aspect generated by its platform, and its respect which is inexorable. Lastly, security, offering to store confidential information, such as digital currency or the vote of presidential elections without the hacking risk.

More Info: https://www.multiversum.io/