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Meghan Markle & Prince Harry’s ‘Unauthentic’ Book Is Being Torn to Shreds

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Aubrey Hansen
Last Updated
  • The so-called biography from Meghan Markle and Prince Harry has split opinion since it was announced.
  • It’s received a fair amount of publicity in the U.K. and elsewhere.
  • How will royal fans react?

As Meghan Markle and Prince Harry prepare to count the millions from their upcoming “tell-all” book, the reaction to its release has been interesting.

Sure, their devoted fans and Sussex Squad members are acting as though it’s the release of a long-lost Hemmingway or Tolstoy, but that’s to be expected.

Load up on that Kool-Aid!

For the rest of us, the reaction has been mixed.

Daily Mail UK tweet
Source: Twitter 

One of Britain’s Favorite Shows Trashes the Book

Loose Women is a British television mainstay. It has won many awards, including national television awards and the TV Times award. It has spawned over 3,000 episodes.

It’s safe to say it’s popular in the U.K–and carries a fair bit of sway with its sizeable audience.

The panelists recently discussed the upcoming  Omid Scobie-penned biography, and let’s just say they didn’t hold back.


Jane Moore’s assessment is one that’s common at the moment. She believes the book will be “copy-approved,” and as such, “not very authentic.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Meghan Markle displays all the traits of an absolute control freak. This book will be no different. There’s a reason she chose Omid Scobie to write it. She can tell him exactly what to write.

He’s just lucky to even be in the conversation in all honesty.

The Title of the Book Is “Annoying”

Jane Moore, who finds the title of the book “annoying,” continued:

They’re going to find it tough in L.A. when the lockdown is lifted. They’re not going to like all of the attention from the paparazzi.

On that point, I’m not sure Prince Harry, or even Meghan Markle to a certain extent, realize what’s coming. Do they really think the British media is bad? They haven’t seen anything yet.

Unless, of course, the media and the scrutiny was never the reason for them leaving in the first place.

OK Magazine Tweet
Source: Twitter 

Online Reaction Hasn’t Been Great, Either

It’s not just the media who aren’t buying Meghan Markle and her tell-all book about finding freedom from the terrible life she had as a royal family member.

Cate Fortier  is a prominent royal fan, who certainly didn’t hold back when it came to the new Meghan Markle and Prince Harry book:

I would not spend money on such nonsense. To be honest I would not buy the book based on its pathetic title either. Finding Freedom from what? A £45 million taxpayer-funded wedding? Palaces? Free homes with £2.5million taxpayer-funded renovations? Duchy of Cornwall funded 90K Dior gowns? Taxpayer-funded security? Really? All this while millions of women worldwide living through slavery, torture, and abuse. Nadia Murad found freedom, Meghan Markle found Freebies.

It’s All About Meghan Markle, Not Prince Harry

AnnieB  took an interesting approach, claiming the book would feature Prince Harry in title only, with the focus being on Meghan Markle and her plight:

I expect that the book will be focused more on her struggles within the Royal Family rather than the plight of them as a unit (Harry and Archie Included). I believe there will be a lot of vitriol aimed at the UK tabloids and “bias” journalism and possibly touching on the rift between William and Katherine. Authentic in the respect that it’s what SHE believes, however not realistic.

The belief that Meghan Markle has lived a very privileged life seems to occur throughout the views I’ve received, with PrizedPrincess , another royal fan, commenting:

She wasn’t in jail, wasn’t in a war-torn zone, and wasn’t trying to escape Sobibor either. A Modern Monarchy? If everyone else had to escape as they did, there wouldn’t even be a monarchy!

MurkyMeg  is something of an authority on the actions of both Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, although she’ll hate me saying that. Her view is that a “victim narrative” will be a running theme:

It’s very clear that there is a lot of controversy when it comes to Harry and Meghan and judging from the Africa documentary and the ongoing court case they are very unhappy with what coverage they have gotten. Unfortunately being pubic figures, who also use the media to drive puff pieces, they are not exempt and I expect a very biased, sycophantic biography with sugary sweet notes to try and force the victim narrative.

Will This Book Be Authentic?


This is a factor that the presenter in Loose Women discussed, and I put the same question to MurkyMeg:

Not one bit! I expect that only one side will ever be researched thoroughly for this biography because one of the authors is very much team Meghan. A diverse biography would have been much more substantial in which both sides (good and bad) should be reported. And if, as I expect, either Harry and or Meghan have had any input into this book it will be a powerful suppression of the truth.

It’ll be interesting to see the reaction the book gets from outside the Markle Sussex Squad crowd.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of CCN.com.

Aubrey Hansen

I'm a full-time royal & entertainment commentator at CCN. I've had my opinions and links to my work on the royal family featured by outlets such as The Daily Mail, International Business Times, and The Express. Reach me at [email protected], visit my LinkedIn profile here  or my Twitter profile here .
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