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Hello, dear friends who have been closely following up with aelf development.
The aelf testnet was officially launched on June 30, 2018, Beijing time. Right now, you can start to build a test environment and participate in the public testing of aelf.
aelf’s vision is to create a “LINUX ecosystem” of blockchain worlds. To this end, aelf has been focusing on defining and providing the most basic and critical system components and has made significant improvements to the existing pain points of blockchains.
The launch of the aelf’s testnet marks the beginning of the scale of the aelf network infrastructure. It means that the development of aelf will enter into a new phase, an important milestone moving towards the main network. We encourage blockchain enthusiasts to participate in the test and bring us valuable opinions. We will also take this opportunity to continuously improve and enrich the technical content to create a blockchain network that can fully support large-scale commercial use.
aelf’s testnet available functions
Multi-node P2P communication
This includes node discovery, node maintenance, broadcast transactions, broadcast blocks, blocks that handle broadcasts, transactions that handle broadcasts, and sync blocks.
Basic DPOS consensus
Including the configuration of mining nodes, initialization of the first two rounds of mining sequences, calculation of signatures, the creation of additional block announcements after the end of each round, the sequence of next round, and additional block producer disconnection mechanisms.
Smart contract
Supports users to write contracts, publish contracts, and execute contracts.
Parallel processing
The units that can be operated in parallel are divided by the access resources of each transaction, and the cluster operation is supported.
Build cluster-based configuration management and build cluster-based parallel execution
Meantime, we provide developers with basic usage documentation, as a reference in the community, these include:
· How to build a local test environment
· How to write a contract, publish a contract, execute a contract;
· Test data executed in parallel operation.(coming soon)
More documents will be updated soon on GitHub Wiki.
We also provide two more intuitive video tutorials for test users to build a local test environment. Developers can always pay attention to GitHub’ for the most-updated progress.
GitHub address:
As a participating user of the testnet, you can:
Build a local test environment based on the documentation we provide
Write simple contracts, publish contracts, execute contracts in the local environment according to the examples we provide
Connect to our test network, create accounts, and execute built-in contracts.
Before the official launch of the aelf’s mainnet in the first quarter of 2019, we will conduct an upgrade once a month and a milestone delivery every three months. Before the mainnet launch, we will implement cross-chain interaction, complete the network economic system, peripheral tools and improve the developer system.
If you have any valuable suggestions during the testing process, please contact our technical team. If you want to participate in the testing work, you can contact the aelf technical team via the email below. The aelf team will issue you the token for testing.
PS: The developer needs to send an email to the technical team subjected “ApplyELF”. The user who applies for the test needs to provide his/her test environment address, phone number and GitHub ID if possible. Please note: Do not use non-test environment ELFs in the test version.
technical team contact: [email protected]
slack testnet channel for exchange (# testnet-feedback) :
· Get on our Telegram Discord and Slack channel
· Follow us on Twitter Reddit and Facebook
· Read weekly articles on the aelf blog
· Catch up with the develop progress on Github
· Telegram community in 한국 ,日本語 ,русский ,العربية ,Deutsch and Italiano
· Instagram: aelfblockchain
· YouTube Channel: aelf
For more information, visit