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Trending: 10 Hilarious Tweets That Savage #BillionDollarLoser Trump

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Steven Buchko
Last Updated

By CCN.com: Yesterday, the New York Times unveiled President Donald Trump’s long-sought-after tax figures, revealing that he had lost over $1 billion from 1985 to 1994. The self-proclaimed “self-made” real estate tycoon also paid a whopping zero dollars in taxes eight out of those ten years. With those findings, it’s no surprise that Trump was fighting to keep his taxes a secret.

Today, Twitter is having a field day with the findings. The hashtag #BillionDollarLoser is the top trending hashtag in the United States as seemingly everyone weighs in on the matter. Let’s take a look at some of the top tweets.

The “I Told You So”s

Many folks are taking the opportunity to give their followers a big, fat “I told you so!” Or, in some cases “She told you so,” referring to Hillary Clinton’s push for President Trump to release his tax returns .

Others outline what was once just a popular theory – that Trump’s family fortune was massive enough for him to squander it away and remain wealthy anyway. It looks like that theory proved correct.

The Mob Unleashes a Savage Twitter Assault on Trump


A good chunk of Twitter is outraged by the report. In his facade of a fight for the common citizen, Trump has blasted the wealthy and corporations for not paying their fair share of taxes. Paying taxes in only two years out of a decade is a slap in the face to the people that believed him.

In the past, Trump has even gone so far as to brag about not paying taxes , so these findings shouldn’t come as a shock.

The Comedians: “I’m Not Saying Trump is Bigfoot…”

On the other end of the emotional spectrum, a host of people online are finding humor in the matter.

Of course, a few users are taking jabs at Trump’s questionable foreign relationships with Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin.


The ten years of losses give support to the argument that the president is likely in debt to Russia. Some believe that those debts could be the reason why he has taken such a pro-Russia stance.


Other Twitter users are avoiding controversy altogether to crack some non-political jokes.

The Artists Deliver a Withering Caricature

Some are even tapping into their artistic side in response. Who doesn’t like seeing ol’ honest Abe flipping someone the bird?

The Trump Defenders Stand Behind Their #BillionDollarLoser


Finally, a small minority of Twitter users are defending the president’s billion-dollar write-offs, demonstrating that some Trump supporters will stand behind their leader no matter what.

Steven Buchko

Steven Buchko has been in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry for over two years. Previously the Executive Editor at CoinCentral, he is now a contributing writer for CCN. Steven is also a co-founder of Coin Clear, a mobile app that turns your daily spending habits into cryptocurrency investments. You can follow him on Twitter  or email him at [email protected].
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