Meghan Markle is accusing British tabloids of causing a rift between her and her father, Thomas Markle. She is suing Associated News, saying they ‘harassed and manipulated’ her father.
The document reportedly includes text messages from Prince Harry, begging Thomas to stay away from the media. But Tom, apparently, could not resist the temptation.
The 75-year-old father of Meghan Markle wanted some time in the spotlight. In 2018, before Prince Harry and Meghan’s wedding, Thomas staged a paparazzi photo shoot of him preparing for the wedding.
According to the Guardian, Prince Harry texted Thomas to clean up the mess. Here’s the text:
Tom, Harry again! Really need to speak to u. U do not need to apologize, we understand the circumstances but ‘going public’ will only make the situation worse. If u love Meg and want to make it right please call me as there are two other options which don’t involve u having to speak to the media, who incidentally created this whole situation.
Oh, any speaking to the press WILL backfire, trust me Tom. Only we can help u, as we have been trying from day 1.
It apparently did not work, as the photos of Thomas surfaced anyways. According to the Daily Mail, he may have made up to £100,000 for those photos.
Instead of responding, Tom reached out to TMZ a few days later to tell them he had a heart attack.
Can you imagine? Instead of connecting with his own family about his health issues, Thomas Markle went straight to a celebrity news site.
Thomas is a retired television lighting director and director of photography. He seems to have some regrets about never quite ‘making it’ in Hollywood, as he’s taken every opportunity to grasp ahold of the limelight since.
That sounds a lot like someone else we know…
At least we know where Meghan Markle gets her appetite for fame and fortune. It runs in the family. Perhaps her father planted the seeds of celebrity and riches in Meghan at a young age, which is why she’s covered every angle in trying to achieve it.
She’s married or dated different men, from directors to celebrity chefs, who could help her career at different stages. She’s finally captured the ultimate prize: a real prince. According to her father, she’s put her pursuit of fame over her family, time and time again:
She’s convinced her husband to do the same.
It’s paid off nicely so far, as she’s gone from a B-list actress to a household name. Meghan even managed to land a Disney gig hosting a documentary, thanks to her royal connections.
Meghan Markle may get some money from these tabloids who she claims damaged her relationship with her father. But the real issue is that she, and her father, are out to make a quick buck and get some exposure, just like the tabloids.