The web wallet service Snapcard has partnered with Ifeelgoods, a company that facilitates reward programs for companies with large customer bases such as Walmart and McDonald’s. You guessed it: Ifeelgoods clients will now be able to reward their customers with bitcoin as opposed to silly digital goods or special coupons.
For Ifeelgoods, the partnership means that the company will be able to offer its services worldwide, as opposed to the 30 countries it had previously operated in. For Snapcard, potentially thousands of new clients will experience their service for the first time via a trusted brand.
Also read: Snapcard Enables Cryptocoin Equality
Ifeelgoods is just one of Snapcard’s clients who will be utilizing their new MassPay API, which enables large organizations to send out Bitcoin payments without even having a Bitcoin address. A phone number or e-mail address is sufficient, and the recipient then learns how to collect the funds. MassPay envisions much more than promotional-type usage, though, with recipients given the option to cash out in a local currency for extremely low fees. For some situations, the platform could change payroll services altogether.
While no campaigns have yet been announced as a specific result of the partnership, it is important to note that this model of business is not new in the Bitcoin space. Here at, we’ve detailed more than once the ways that newcomers can acquire free Bitcoin to get started and learn with.
Will the model of the Bitcoin faucet go global now, with large companies giving away small amounts of Bitcoin to stimulate commerce? Like and share above and comment below!
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