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Prince Harry Must Step Up for Britain – Even If Meghan Markle Stays Behind

Last Updated March 4, 2021 2:41 PM
Aubrey Hansen
Last Updated March 4, 2021 2:41 PM
  • As Prince William steps up to address the coronavirus outbreak, the royal family could see a bit of a shakeup.
  • The Queen and Prince Charles are most likely to be self-isolating. They are within the high-risk age bracket.
  • Prince Harry may be called upon to assist his family in their time of need. How will he respond?

With each passing day, it looks more and more likely that the coronavirus pandemic will force Queen and Prince Charles into self-isolation. This leaves us with questions about the roles of Prince William, Prince Harry, and even Harry’s wife, Meghan Markle.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were supposedly done with the royal family

Harry and Meghan were supposed to be done with the royal family. This was their opportunity to jet off to North America and make their fortune exploiting the royal name and brand.

COVID-19 has put those plans on the back burner. 

Prince William and his wife Kate Middleton have responded to the crisis nobly, increasing their roles and visibility to help cover the absence of Prince Charles and the Queen.

Source: Twitter 

But what of Prince Harry? We already hear that he’s feeling out of sorts in Canada.  “Helpless” is how many reports have described him, as he watches his family shoulder the royal burden of this pandemic.

How will Prince Harry deal with this situation?

It’s widely believed that when Harry left the United Kingdom, he was not on the best of terms with his brother. That can’t be good for either William or Harry.

Putting aside his issues with William and his desire to back Meghan Markle’s plans for a U.S.-based fake royal brand – at least for the time being – would be a way to mend that bridge with his brother.

royal family feud
Could the coronavirus crisis bring an end to the royal family feud? | Source: Phil Harris / POOL / AFP

I’ve long believed that Harry would eventually return to the royal fold. He’s not the type to seek publicity or live the false “celeb” lifestyle that Meghan seems to want for him.

Pressuring him to abandon his entire family, upend his whole way of life, and move to North America is a huge ask. I hope he sees sense and puts his foot down someday.

A marriage requires give and take, and so far, Harry is giving up much and being led astray.

Reports are that Harry could return as a “Councillor of State,” with Nigel Cawthorne commenting: 

I am sure he would come back and be delighted to help out, too, and do anything to protect his father and grandmother.

And what of ‘American Princess’ Meghan Markle?

prince harry, meghan markle
How both Meghan and Prince Harry react in this trying time will tell us a lot about their character. | Source: REUTERS/Damir Sagolj/File Photo

This is the million-dollar question.

Would she remain in Canada or the United States while her husband undertakes his duties as a member of the royal family?

Harry will need the full support of his wife in such circumstances. I would love nothing better than to see recent feuds put aside for the benefit of the royal family and all involved.

How both Meghan and Prince Harry react in this trying time will tell us a lot about their character.

Prince William and Kate Middleton are stepping up. It would help if you did the same, Harry. With or without Meghan.

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