Home / Markets News & Opinions / CNN Bitcoin Panel Recap: Loud Panelists Go Head To Head Over Opinions

CNN Bitcoin Panel Recap: Loud Panelists Go Head To Head Over Opinions

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Clay Michael Gillespie
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CNN Tech Bitcoin www.ccn.com

If there was a worse platform to host a heated debate on, CNN certainly is actively trying to find it. Twitter  may be a great place for real-time updates and short quips, but a grand platform for discussion it is not.

Kicking the panel off was Jeffrey Robinson, author of the book “Bitcon: The Naked Truth About Bitcoin.” It’s the book Robinson claims the bitcoin community doesn’t want anyone to read. He did a great job playing the part too as he started off immediately by setting his stance. Ben Doernberg, another panelist who aided in the reveal of alleged scammer Ryan Kennedy, responded politely.

Also read: CNN to Talk Bitcoin

CNN: Is Bitcoin Over?


Unfortunately, that’s all the panel consisted. CNN asked a total of five open-ended questions, some of the other panelists answered them, and Robinson pulled punches the whole time louder than anyone else. It was not an area of discussion and debate; it was an opinion-fueled battleground with 140 bullets per tweet.


It wasn’t all bad though. Through the clutter, some discussion happened between CNN Money’s cybersecurity reporter Jose Pagliery and pro-bitcoin panelist Dug Campbell.


And even though it may not be popular opinion, some controversial points were made by that same CNN reporter.


The CNN Bitcoin Panel Responses That Stole The Show Were From Antonopolous and Doernberg

Even Andreas Antonopolous, arguably one of the most prolific and educated bitcoin experts today, stepped in to respond to CNN questions. He wasn’t a part of the panel, but for a moment it felt as though he was.

Anotonopolous’ tweets received more retweets and favorites than most of the panelists involved.

Ben Doernberg also received quite a bit of attention, maintaining a level head against Robinson. Doernberg is obviously biased to cryptocurrency, but he did a good job of keeping a level head and not letting his opinions overcome him.



All in all, the CNN Bitcoin panel should have been a televised event to allow for moderation rather than chaos. There were opportunities for serious discussion from all parties, as they were all exceptionally credible, but, unfortunately, Twitter is too great of a place to fit opinions into 140 characters.

Images from CNN Tech’s Twitter page and Shutterstock.

Clay Michael Gillespie

Clay Gillespie a writer and reporter for many different platforms across the tech industry. He holds a B.S. in Public Relations from Ball State University and freelances for different clients in technology and cryptocurrency.
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