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Survey Finds Americans Trust “Digital Currency” The Most

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Lester Coleman
Last Updated

Americans overwhelmingly trust job titles referencing “digital currency ” over “virtual currency,” “bitcoin,” “cryptocurrency” and “litecoin,” according to a survey by the Digital Currency Council (DCC) this month. The survey was conducted March 8 and used a representative sampling of 506 people across the U.S. and was conducted by DCC via Google Insights polling.

The DCC announced the survey results in its recent “Pulse Report” on public perceptions of bitcoin and digital currencies.

The term “digital currency professional” was preferred by 41 percent of respondents, which more than doubled the number for “virtual currency professional,” favored by 18.2 percent, followed by “bitcoin professional,” 15.8 percent, “cryptocurrency professional,” 15.4 percent, and “litecoin professional,” 8.9 percent.

What It means for Digital Currency Businesses

“As professionals grow practices around this new technology, they must present themselves in a way that establishes trust with their clients,” David Berger, DCC CEO, said regarding the survey results.

The report noted that public perceptions of bitcoin are “less than favorable.” These sentiments could change as the bitcoin industry evolves and consumers become more familiar with bitcoin technology. “However, at this moment, professionals joining the rapidly expanding digital currency economy may be advantaged in choosing job titles that ensure trust and authority, and well advised to avoid terms like ‘Bitcoin’ or ‘Cryptocurrency,’” the report noted.

The survey results mark the first part of the DCC’s multi-phased “Pulse Reports” on public perceptions of bitcoin and digital currencies.

Also read: What is bitcoin? two out of three Americans don’t know

More Research to Come

The DCC will continue to release data and analysis to give digital currency professionals an edge on how to best enter and compete in this new market.

DCC formed in 2014 as an association for professionals in the digital currency economy. Its goal is to support the development of “best in class” professional practices in the digital currency domain through training, certification and connectivity to peers and clients. For information, visit their website.

Images from Shutterstock and DCC’s Facebook page.

Lester Coleman

Lester Coleman is a media relations consultant for the payments and automated retailing industries.
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