Home / Markets News & Opinions / SoundCloud Alternative SFX.IO Integrates Bitcoin Tipping

SoundCloud Alternative SFX.IO Integrates Bitcoin Tipping

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Drew Cordell (@DrewjCordell)
Last Updated

sfx.ioOver the years, Soundcloud has grown immensely in popularity. One Redditor has created an alternative solution to SoundCloud called sfx.io. Though it is still in beta, sfx.io has integrated several features including the recent addition of Bitcoin tipping via Bitcoin Tip Jar. Tip Jar allows users to tip one another for sound files on the platform.

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Integrating Bitcoin micro-payments

Sfx.io seeks to simplify the process of sharing sounds with others. The platform allows anyone to upload mp3, .m4a (aac), and  .wav files. Registered users on the site can upload up to 10 Mb at a time while unregistered users can only upload 5 Mb files. Currently, all files on the site are publicly available though files that are uploaded anonymously cannot be searched for in the search function. Users of sfx.io can also record a file directly to the site. sfx.io’s simple platform makes it easy to upload and share sound files with friends and family.

By integrating Bitcoin tipping, sfx.io users will be able to send micro-payments to one another as a reward for great content. With the platform currently in beta, Bitcoin tipping integration could help with the growth of the platform. The popularity of micro-payments is growing rapidly, and many sites integrated it in 2014. Cryptocurrency is ideal for micro-transactions due to the very low transaction fees associated.

Sfx.io plans on integrating several new features in the future. Though the platform is very new, many users report that it is faster to use than SoundCloud, though it currently lacks many of the features of its competitor. Uploading files to sfx.io is very fast and easy to do, even without having an account on the site. Sfx.io’s clean and simple interface makes it easy for anyone to use. With the addition of Bitcoin tipping via Tip Jar, sfx.io is creating an environment that will support p2p sound development and individual empowerment. My colleague, Connie, has been using the service, you can check out his music here.

What do you think about sfx.io? Comment below!

Images from sfx.io and Shutterstock.

Drew Cordell (@DrewjCordell)

Drew is an undergraduate student at the University of Texas at Dallas, majoring in Business. He is an active member of the Cryptocurrency community, and enjoys collecting, trading, and writing about various coins. Outside of the digital currency world, Drew tends to spend his time with friends, playing video games, or studying.
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