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Satoshi Watch: Calvin Ayre Teases ‘More Evidence’ Craig Wright Created Bitcoin

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P. H. Madore
Last Updated

By CCN.com: Not so long ago, nChain lawyer Jimmy Ngyuen loudly said that the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto was not important to the future of Bitcoin or nChain. As of late, however, the impetus to “prove” Craig Wright’s identity as Satoshi Nakamoto seems to have hastened.


Chief enforcer and good friend of Craig Wright, Calvin Ayre, uses #CraigIsSatoshi in a sizable percentage of his tweets lately. Here are some examples:

Ayre is essentially the only notable person using the hashtag . Some podcasts and crypto outlets use it as a focal point, presumably to get those most interested in the subject to visit their pages.

But no recent tweet of Ayre’s has been more intriguing than the following:

It’s official. The goal post is moved a little closer. We may not have to wait until next year, with the exposition of the Tulip Trust, to learn the truth of the matter.

The Satoshi Suspense Is Killing Us

What is Ayre promising, exactly? A recent post  on CoinGeek.com (compare to our own reporting on the subject), a website where Ayre pays people to blog, has a sentence of the most curious sort:

“Dr. Wright has proven beyond a doubt to ownership of CoinGeek that he was the main architect of Bitcoin, and that it was he who conceived and used the pseudonymous name of Satoshi Nakamoto.”

It seems evident that Calvin Ayre, chief scientist of CalvinAyre.com and successful gambling entrepreneur, is convinced. What doesn’t seem evident is how or why. But the this most recent tweet leads us to believe that may change soon, in preparation for the upcoming Coingeek conference in Toronoto.

Ayre says:

“I will be releasing more evidence that #CraigisSatoshi prior to #CoinGeek scaling conference on May 29-30 in Toronto. Thousands of people globally already know the truth.”

We want this text preserved for posterity. This is the content of a Tweet sent by Ayre on May 13th, about two weeks before said conference. Just as the North remembers, Twitter never forgets. The Tweet is archived as well .

We can only speculate on what “evidence” we will be blessed with this time. For an increasing number of people, the standard of proof is ownership of a Satoshi key. Any Satoshi key.

Let’s Get down to Brass Tacks

At his very worst, Satoshi Nakamoto had an understanding of how to use cryptographic protocols securely. The keys he used to sign the original commits  to the Bitcoin SourceForge repository would go a long way to proving anyone had a right to claim the identity. Even if the keys had expired or been revoked. A key is a key, and in Bitcoin that means a lot more than virtually anything else.

In the following lengthy audio clip, Ayre tells the story of how he met Craig Wright. Ayre says Wright has “a lot of backgrounds,” including in the gambling industry, and goes on to tell the story of how he met Craig Wright. Worth a listen if you had any doubts that Calvin Ayre believes what he is saying.

P. H. Madore

P. H. Madore has written for CCN since 2014. Please send breaking news tips or requests for an investigation to [email protected]. He lives in Maine, USA. A single father of four young children, he does not discourage financial donations, provided they do not come with strings attached.
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