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Futurists’ Views On the Next Decade, Bitcoin Could Play a Major Role

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Christoph Marckx
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Futurist view on technological evolution in the next decade
Futurists share their views on technological evolution in the next decade. Bitcoin may play an important role in reforging our financial system.

Over the past decade, numerous of technological developments have been introduced to the world. We’ve evolved to using smartphones with apps that allow us to be connected to the entire world at any given time. Cars are driving themselves; robots are getting close to being ‘real’ humans. A lot of the key aspects in our world are still up for massive improvement. Bitcoin is one of these inventions that could be set to change the way our financial system works. Some of the world’s most renowned futurists share their view on what they think is in store for us in the next decade.

Feelings, 3D-Printing and virtual reality

Professor theoretical physics Michio Kaku  was the first to shed his light on the future. He believes we can expect a gradual progression from Internet to the ‘brain-net’. He describes it as a mental network where thoughts, emotions, feelings and memories will be instantly sent over the entire world. Scientists will be able to connect our brain to a computer and decode thoughts and memories. “It may sound very artificial, but this could mean a revolution in communication and entertainment. Think of movies that will be able to share emotions more intense than ever before. Perhaps it could even lead to reducing tension between people as everyone would be able to feel each other’s pain in a very realistic way.”

Next up was computer scientist and inventor Dr. Ray Kurzweil . He claims that by 2025, 3D-printers will be able to print cheap clothing. People will be spending money for downloadable designs made by popular designers. It will be comparable to the way we pay for eBooks, music and movies right now. And Kurzweil sees 3d-printing go even further. Modified stem cells will enable 3D-printers to reproduce human organs. This would result in a vast collection of organs that would pose no threat of being rejected by the recipients’ body. Next to that, we’re going to spend time in virtual realities. We can visit, see and touch each other while being thousands of miles apart.

Bitcoin as a legitimate, digital economy

Finally, Dr. James Canton of the Institute of Global Futures shared his view with the world. Canton is constantly thinking about future developments and has been a digital currency enthusiast since the very start of Bitcoin. He shows true belief in the future of Bitcoin.

“Digital currencies like Bitcoin will have a massive impact on organizations. Companies that understand the block chain and Bitcoin could be up at a leading edge of a transformation in business. It is key for them to be in sync with the developments and not to avoid them. Don’t look at it as a currency used by a group of criminals for shady practices. Instead embrace it and learn to use it to your advantage. Digital currencies will become accepted as a payment method. They are already by a vast number of companies on the internet. This is a new challenge for the industry. Traditional money will disappear, and Bitcoin will be at the base of a legitimate, digital economy.”

Next to Bitcoin, Canton also thinks artificial intelligence may become even smarter than us. “AI will be used in cars, robots, houses and hospitals. It will become a huge economy. People and robots will blend, both physically and digitally. Robot surgeons will be able to perform surgery from distances all over the world. Robodocs will treat you through your smartphone. Exciting times are ahead of us.”

When we think back of the technology we knew in the year 2000, we must admit that we felt as if we made a giant leap forward when compared to our technology in the year 1990. That was a correct feeling. Looking at the developments over the past 15 years, we saw a similar leap. It is very exciting to think about the things technology has in store for us in the coming decade. While not every prediction may prove accurate in 2025, we can all agree that the next decade will prove to be another exciting one. What developments do you think we will see in the next ten years? Leave your thoughts and feelings in the comments.

Christoph Marckx

Internet addict and virtual currency aficionado living in Belgium. I work in a school, where I am responsible for every computer and the entire network that keeps our students connected to the world.
I love cryptocurrencies, mostly because it gives us a chance to take back our freedom. If we do this right, there are exciting times ahead!
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