Wedbush Securities, a leading financial service provider, has announced a relationship with Bitcoin trading platform, Buttercoin. This relationship will extend the company’s reach into the sphere of cryptocurrency technology. The investment amount made by Wedbush Securities is undisclosed. Buttercoin’s platform allows users a fast, easy, and safe way to trade Bitcoin.
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Sheri Kaiserman, Head of Equities at Wedbush Securities told GlobalNewswire :
“We are impressed with Buttercoin in many regards notably that it provides reliable, trustworthy and excellent trade execution, and most importantly that it has a US banking relationship. We see cryptocurrency technology as disruptive to the financial services industry as the internet was to communications.”
Last year, Wedbush became the first financial institution to publish on Bitcoin and the underlying technology that powers cryptocurrencies as well as accepting Bitcoin payments for this research. By partnering with Buttercoin, Wedbush looks to further their influence in digital currency.
Wedbush was recognized as a pioneer in the cryptocurrency space earlier this year when it became the first financial institution to publish on Bitcoin and surrounding cryptocurrency technology topics and began accepting Bitcoin payments for this research. By joining with Buttercoin, the firm looks forward to expanding its presence in digital currency and broadening its capabilities within the Bitcoin marketplace. Gil Luria, The managing director of Wedbush Securities, has published reports on Bitcoin’s intrinsic value, the protocol of the coin, and the innovation of the coin. By partnering with Buttercoin, Wedbush will have further influence into Bitcoin’s markets as well as be able to extend their research further. This partnership could lead to more financial institutes looking to acquire assets in the digital currency sphere as well as further expansion from firms with influence already. Bitcoin has been steadily moving its way into the agendas of financial institutions.
What do you think about the partnership? Comment below!
Images via Buttercoin and Shutterstock.