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One of the promising areas for using the blockchain technology is the data systematization on the alcohol market. A high rate of counterfeit products forces manufacturers to introduce new methods of protection, and consumers are interested in choosing the best quality product from an affordable selection. Due to its high security, the blockchain technology is ideal for storing information about manufactured goods.
Gese is a worldwide database of all alcoholic beverages, built on the basis of the blockchain technology that offers:
- easy product authentication;
- convenient rating of alcoholic beverages that contains information on its availability and pricing;
- selection of goods based on individual preferences;
- blogging system with the ability to earn crypto currency;
- bonuses for environmentally-conscious behavior;
- possibility of promoting alcohol products among the interested audience.
- raising funds for the implementation of projects within the alcohol industry with the help of crowdsale.
The core of the project is a distributed registry, which stores information about each produced bottle of alcohol. An NFC-tag or a QR-code – modern barcode analogs that allow storing detailed information about the product – could be attached to a bottle. To ensure product authenticity, you can simply place your smartphone over the bottle: the NFC-tag or the QR-code would instantly activate the Gese application and provide all the key product information. Given that it is impossible to forge data within the blockchain, buyers can be sure of their choice’s reliability.
Authentication of goods is an important, but not the only Gese function. Like the Steemit platform, the system is a full-fledged Internet community. It allows you to leave feedback and estimate each drink’s rating based on the opinions of millions of people around the world. Buyers do not need to enter the name of the drink – they only need to place their smartphone over the bottle to see reviews about a specific product or leave their own opinion. The ease of dealing with reviews dramatically increases their effectiveness: users become more willing to share their opinions about the product.
But the Gese project team decided take one step further: the system has a powerful artificial intelligence that can select recommendations based on user preferences. AI makes a complete portrait of the person on the basis of sex, age, past purchasing experience and even publications in social networks. As a result, the user is given only those recommendations that he really wants to get.
The application takes into account geolocation data: similar to the Yandex.Market system, Gese will help you find information about the availability of goods and prices at nearby stores. The system will also suggest the location of the nearest container recycling points where users receive cryptocurrency bonuses for recycling their used bottles.
Finally, Gese is a convenient platform for blogging. In a free format, users can share their thoughts about alcoholic beverages they are familiar with, publish home beer recipes, or simply tell interesting life stories. The blog system is built on the principles of the Steemit community: the authors of the most popular posts are credited with internal crypto currency, which further stimulates creation of useful content.
The advantages of Gese for manufacturers and sellers
The capabilities of Gese are relevant not only for consumers. Producers and sellers receive a powerful marketing tool for targeted promotion of their goods and services, which is especially true in countries where alcohol advertising is prohibited by law. The analysis of information obtained with the help of AI allows the producers and sellers to create an accurate portrait of their buyers and, as a result, offer them most suitable proposals.
Moreover, each manufacturer, retailer or local restaurant can use the Gese platform to create their own blog. Publication of interesting posts about alcohol is a great way to promote your brand among the target audience.
Entrepreneurs who want to start their own business in the alcohol industry can get investments to launch their projects using the built-in crowdfunding platform. Public fundraising within Gese allows not only to get funding, but also to get attention from their target audience.
Project economics and technical implementation
The Gese platform is built on the basis of its own blockchain, working under the Proof-of-Authority scheme. This concept, based on the use of node-validators, is distinguished by high bandwidth, a far superior method than Proof-of-Work solutions. The Gese blockchain will work in conjunction with the Ethereum chain, which will enable full-fledged use of smart contracts. The system is easily scalable, as a result — it remains stable during an abrupt load increase since it has a large software toolkit.
To monetize the project, 6 main channels are used:
- Manufacturers are charged for using NFC tags to protect their products.
- Fees for opening new levels of user accounts. The account level affects the amount of reward that the user can receive for a review, comment or blog post.
- Marketing fees: creating a positive image of the brand within the platform, promoting commercial posts, raising the product rating.
- Fees for increasing the priority of the product placements within AI recommendations.
- Commissions paid by entrepreneurs raising funds through crowdfunding.
- Payment for placing information on the availability and value of goods in local stores, bars and restaurants.
ICO specifications
The startup team is carrying out an ICO to finance a large-scale campaign promoting the project. Crowdsale will be held in 2 stages:
- From May 15th to May 30th, 2018 – Pre-ICO;
- From July 1st to July 30th – the main ICO stage.
The total issue will be 600 million tokens, of which 390 million will be sold to investors during the ICO and Pre-ICO. The price of the token will be $ 0.1, while early investors will be able to receive a discount of up to 30% during the Pre-ICO and up to 25% during the main stage of sales. The minimum amount of funds collected during the ICO (soft cap) is expected to be $ 2 million, the maximum (hard cap) – about $ 30 million. In addition, 90 million tokens will be paid to members of the bounty campaign.
Detailed information about the project and the ICO specifications can be found on the website.