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Saturn Network has been steadily breaking down barriers into the world of decentralized cryptocurrency trading when they launched Radex , the only decentralized exchange deployed on Ethereum & Ethereum Classic that supports not only trading for ERC20 tokens but also ERC223, in December 2017. Their clever use of creating an upgrade protocol turning ERC20 tokens into ERC223 on their exchange, ensuring traders feel the benefits and safety of the improved token standard.
Radex’s unique architecture allows it to run completely on chain, removing any need of overhead costs or dangers that come with centralization. This allows Radex to provide traders with a platform that is uncensorable and allows zero fees trading for Ethereum or Ethereum Classic tokens.
Team Saturn’s project revolves around building technology that will be deployed across multiple blockchains, building a whole ecosystem of decentralized exchanges. One thing that they love to say is that their mission is to bring a DEX to every blockchain. That mission though is just a small part of a much larger picture. Saturn Network understands that a crucial part of their project’s growing interest & success is down to their ability to put in place what a blockchain needs for continued growth.
Let’s have a quick look at what they have been up to.
Bringing dApps To Ethereum Classic
Saturn Wallet is an independent fork of MetaMask, that supports Ethereum & Ethereum Classic. It is a fully functional cryptocurrency wallet allowing you to swap network in just one click, which is easily installed as an extension to your browser. Primarily, it has been developed to allow traders to easily trade on Radex across both blockchains.
Up until this moment, a reliable dApp browser did not exist for ETC, meaning even if a developer wanted to launch his project on ETC users would not have a very easy way of interacting with it. That fear of creating something that users would not be able to access, put ETC in a very stagnant place. Existing Ethereum projects and businesses can now very easily migrate over and suddenly have access to both markets which will bring them an influx of new users. And why shouldn’t they?
- No need for new development, you can simple redeploy.
- Network fees are much lower.
- Transaction times are currently quicker
Since it was released just two weeks ago the doors to dApp development have been opened, a very welcome sentiment which has been echoed by the Ethereum Classic development team.
Saturn Network intends to further develop their wallet around integrating and enabling full support for custom tokens. This means that unlike MetaMask you will be able to send your custom tokens from Saturn Wallet directly with no need to rely on MEW or CEW to get the job done.
Furthermore, all tokens that are listed on Radex receive their own interface section allowing users to easily buy or sell more of their favorite token. If you would like to find out more and learn how to use Saturn Wallet just check out their demo .
How To Create Tokens And ICOs On Ethereum Classic
At this point, it would be good to mention that one of the key aspects of Saturn Network’s project is that their exchange protocol will be governed by a DAO. This means they are building a whole community that everyone can be an essential part of your SATURN tokens don’t just allow you to receive dividends from exchange fees they also let you vote on binding protocol decisions like listing new tokens, controlling exchange fees or deciding on development upgrades. Their ideology when it comes to cryptocurrency trading is that nothing should be centralized and there should not be an imbalance of power between exchange owners & traders. That same sentiment that everyone can be part of the team spurned their initiative to offer guides and support on how to create a token and launch an ICO on Ethereum Classic.
The new initiative has been launched on their forum, where team Saturn & their community will provide you with support and feedback every step of the way. A place where project initiators, blockchain developers and advisors of all levels can come together, gain crypto insights and information required to make their ICO a success. They have kicked things off with a step by step tutorial on creating your token and ICO on Ethereum Classic.
Having a healthy token ecosystem will be a great benefit for the whole ETC community, token transactions will use more processing power which helps miners & interesting projects launching ICOs will attract more investment to ETC. Saturn Network has also reassured development teams that they will be more than happy to list their new tokens on Radex, meaning investors will know they will have a secure place to trade their tokens.
If you want to learn more about Saturn Network and participate in their ongoing ETH or ETC crowdsale, visit their website here .