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Papusha Rocket Technology ICO Will Create Wealth Using Oil Refinery Waste

Last Updated May 15, 2023 10:24 AM
Last Updated May 15, 2023 10:24 AM

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Papusha , a new technology that fuses blockchain and space technologies, aims to provide the field of ecology with the economic advantages of the blockchain.

A New Paradigm in Crude Oil Processing

As civilization continues in the direction of growth, development, and advancement in technology, radical changes have been seen in many industries. Until recently, the oil refineries have had a hard time keeping up with this pace of radical change, as they have yet to discover efficient ways of recycling their oil processing residues.

However, with Russian scientists like Anatoly Papusha — the mind behind the Papusha Rocket Technology  (PRT) project — at the helm of scientific exploration, the radical PRT-1 project has emerged.

PRT-1 currently serves as Papusha Rocket Technology’ s MVP. The product sufficiently demonstrates the concepts on which the PRT-2 technology will be built. It is an innovative technology with numerous economic advantages, focusing on using the transonic combustion model in destroying super toxicants produced during oil processing.


Plans are underway to tweak this model to offer more processing advantages, which will be used in the transformation processes of oil residues from refineries. PRT-1 is already patented and provides the edge the project needs to up their expansion.

PRT-1 to PRT-2 Mobile Units

This phase of the project will target nascent practices in oil recycling processes. The idea behind this PRT-2 is unique, with a new procedure for converting unused waste obtained from oil production into reusable products like gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and very valuable synthetic oil.

Papusha Rocket Technology’s  second initiative will give participants the ability to make income in the transformation process. They will focus on developed countries for now, and will expand from there to other countries were oil exploitation has harmful effects on the environment.

A Global Community of Advanced Space Technology

In order to achieve decentralization, Papusha Rocket Technology  is conducting a token sale. The intention of this token sale is to garner the support of the global community in achieving their objective.

Anatoly Papusha revealed his positive outlook on the ICO saying:

“I believe the ICO format and decentralized ownership of the project’s tokens will allow the most rapid and qualitative solution of modern ecology and energy problems”.

How does PRT work?

Papusha Rocket Technology ’s team have developed a plan on accessing countries facing the oil refinery waste conundrum. Their platform will offer a real-world solution to manage this problem.

If the team sells 6,200 PRT-2 units within 3 years – approximately 7% more than what is needed in the market – Papusha Rocket Technology  team will conduct a buy-back program with a budget of $883 million USD. The team hopes this buyback program will increase the value of the PRT token in the future.

After the completion of their private sale, the main sale for the TGE will commence on August 22 and end on October 22.

The team behind the project are from various fields of expertise, including space technology, chemistry, economics, ecology, marketing, and blockchain.

Papusha Rocket Technology  seeks to build a reputable monument in the revolutionary transformation of oil residue and build an economy of it that impacts the global population at large.

To learn more about Papusha Rocket Technology visit the website , read the whitepaper  and follow Papusha Rocket Technology on twitter.