The recent Bitcoin Foundation blog details how no candidate managed to reach the required quorum in the Bitcoin Foundation elections this month. What this means is that no one has yet been selected for either of the two individual Director seats. The election will, therefore, commence to a run-off, a second round of voting.
Each registered Foundation member can vote on as many candidates as they wish, but a candidate is required to gain 50% approval to win a seat. You can read more about quorum and the bylaws amendments in our February article covering the election.
The votes from this round of voting stands as;
Only the top four candidates will be allowed for consideration in the run-off. Olivier Janssens, Jim Harper, Bruce Fenton, and Michael Perklin, will compete for the two seats.
A run-off occurred in the last Bitcoin Foundation Election. Where Brock Pierce, Bobby Lee, and Vinny Lingham competed in the run-off and Brock and Bobby ended up winning the seats.
A difference this time is that the Foundation required members to activate themselves to be enabled to vote, effectively stating they want a vote. This preset criteria of being a Bitcoin Foundation member by the 7th of February, remains.
This change was done due to the lack of members being involved in the last election , which meant quorum was not reached, and a runoff was also used to select the new directors at the time. However, for the runoff, Foundation members are being given the opportunity to register themselves if they were not already registered, to vote. Members who had previously registered to vote will not need to re-register. They need to use the Helios system to vote, as they did before. Foundation members who did not previously activate their ability to vote will need to activate their interest to vote as soon as possible (check your registered Foundation email ).
You must register your interest to vote by Monday, February 23rd, 11:59pm EST, and the runoff voting will take place from Tuesday, February 24th and continue until Friday the 27th.
~Jinyoung Lee Englund, Director of Marketing & Communications, Bitcoin Foundation.
Current debate about the runoff can be viewed via the Bitcoin Foundation forums here ; if you are a member you can join in and throw in your thoughts and opinions. Otherwise, you can at least view the discussion for your personal interest.
As noted in the Bitcoin Foundation blog, if you are a Foundation member and not received emails about your right to vote, then you should email [email protected] . Or if you have difficulties while registering then you should email [email protected] .