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According to analytical platform Statista , there will be 2,5 billion people using smartphones by 2019. Mobile users unlock their phones from 80 to 110 times per day. Tendency like this gives an opportunity for the development of new technologies in the field of promoting goods and services through mobile devices. On September 9th 2018, at the FutureNet World Convention in Macau advertising network EasyVisual has announced the launch of Banners App.
What is EasyVisual?
EasyVisual is an innovative advertising network that allows advertisers to create and customize promoting campaigns and to monitor the results. Since the very start, the company has already had a 3,5 million audience in 190 countries including South Korea, China, Vietnam, Poland, Slovakia, Germany, Ukraine, Turkey, Czech Republic, Israel. Any user can become a potential buyer or a client.
How will BannersApp work?
BannersApp is an Android-based mobile application. Despite the popularity of the iPhone among users, Android operating system takes the leading and more profitable position in the market. The application is activated every time a person unlocks a phone. A user can set how many times per day the advertisement will be shown.
Besides setting the frequency of advertisement, users indicate their personal information: location, gender, marital status, education, languages, interests, professional achievements, and wellness. The app can be downloaded from Google Play .
“The advertisement is targeted on each separate user in accordance with the personal characteristics. Thus, brands can be sure that their advertisement is shown to the target audience and users see only relevant advertising corresponding to their interests. At the same time, users can visit the website of a brand by clicking on the banner or simply close the ad. The display of advertisement if real and not conditional as it often happens in banner advertising where users may not even see the banner that is paid by advertisers”, – Rafal Szymanski, EasyVisual CEO.
What benefits do advertisers get?
Service providers and brands get an access to an innovative promoting channel. 69% of consumers from 18 to 39 years old use mobile phones for a research of products before purchasing them, 44% – use tablets. Banners App counts real views of the advertisement and its conversion rate. Thanks to a detailed configuration of audience characteristics, the demonstration will bring a positive result: traffic growth and brand recognition. Besides, users look at the advertising messages voluntarily which excludes reputational losses of the brand-advertiser.
Detailed information about the project is available at EasyVisual official website and by e-mail:[email protected] .