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Leah McGrath Goodman Insults Bitcoin Community, Still Defends Her Article

Last Updated March 4, 2021 4:40 PM
Neil Sardesai
Last Updated March 4, 2021 4:40 PM

Leah McGrath Goodman, The Newsweek reporter, now infamous amongst the Bitcoin community for claiming to have discovered the creator of Bitcoin, is still staunchly defending her article. Dorian Nakamoto, whom Goodman believes is Satoshi Nakamoto , publicly stated that Newsweek misrepresented him and that he “never was involved” in Bitcoin. Furthermore, the real Satoshi denied being Dorian Nakamoto on the P2P Foundation forum. Despite so much evidence disproving her, Goodman still seems to believe that she found Bitcoin’s creator, and just recently, Goodman defended herself by bashing the Bitcoin community.

Leah McGrath Goodman Insults Bitcoin Community
“I have learned this about the fanatical Bitcoiners: they will see this all in a different light once they reach puberty.”

In what could be seen as several juvenile insults, the Newsweek reporter dismisses the Bitcoin community as a bunch of “fanatical” kids who haven’t reached puberty. On a more disturbing note, it seems that Goodman has been receiving several death threats, leading her to “[brush] upon [her] shooting skills at night.” At the same time, this could just be a cruel irony for the reporter who seriously threatened the life of a quiet old man in California. Goodman has already been lambasted for invading Dorian Nakamoto’s privacy, or “doxing” him. Her article featured loads of personally identifiable information, including pictures of the man’s house, resulting in a flurry of media interest with reporters camping outside his home and chasing him by car . As such, maybe Goodman shouldn’t be surprised that reporters are digging into her own personal information.

With such a large community, even a small percentage of threats of violence could seem like a lot. However, that does not reflect the views of the community as a whole. And anyway, with so much negative PR and an article with little to no real evidence, it seems like Goodman should be more worried about her career than her life.