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Ojooo is a German-American group of companies, that handles advertisement and implements the latest technologies in this field for several years. Ojooo employs and connects prominent specialists who believe that their project will revolutionize the advertising market. Experience and knowledge of the market, based on research and analysis, allowed the creation of a unique and innovative project that is aimed at replacing traditional methods of advertising.
Traditional advertising has failed
Nobody likes to be disturbed while resting or working. A characteristic feature of modern consumers is the sensitivity to obtrusive messages. They also require respect for their time and comfort. It looks like advertisers and editors have forgotten about it. Aggressive and intrusive advertising on the Internet ended up with the negative effect for them. More and more users have begun using ad blocking programs. It is estimated that Adblock has been currently used by around 200 million users and this number has been increasing by several dozen percents per year! The costs of blocked advertisement display have been ca. $42 billion in 2017. Protection of personal data becomes more and more important. Stealing and using personal data is still a serious problem for users of the Internet. They are afraid of sharing any personal data, which makes difficult to select the target group.
A win-win situation created by Ojooo
Ojooo is preparing a solution to all the problems of advertisers and receipts. Their blockchain-based technology wins with competitive ventures. The common basis of the project is an innovative form of advertisement – the Earn per View (EPV). Ojooo offers companies advertising space and user data through the Ojooo app, as well as the Ojooo portal. Advertisers will have the opportunity to create the comprehensive advertising campaign and thanks to the appropriate tools, it will be possible to select the most appropriate target group. Ojooo makes advertising process more effective compared to the traditional promotion methods.
The funds allocated for the advertising campaign will be transferred directly to the recipients. Users will gain full freedom in choosing the time and place of watching the ad and will be rewarded with OJX tokens for every watched advertisement. Thanks to that, the promoted content will become even more attractive. Funds that will not be used, will be returned to the advertiser’s account. This is a rare feature among modern projects, which will certainly be noticed by advertisers and investors.
Relying on personal data requires a lot of attention to the development of high-quality security. The technology implemented by Ojooo allows a very limited access to personal data and there is no possibility of identifying an individual user. In times, when more and more often our personal data is exposed to theft, it is definitely an ideal solution.
Respecting recipients and advertisers needs is one of the company’s main goals. It also confirms that the Ojooo project is very special and worth of joining. Ojooo invites to take a part in the achievement of mutual success: .