Home / Markets News & Opinions / GEMS Cryptocurrency Social Network to Utilize Telegram Messaging App for Android

GEMS Cryptocurrency Social Network to Utilize Telegram Messaging App for Android

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Clay Michael Gillespie
Last Updated

Gems social networkGEMS, the prospective social network looking to be the “Bitcoin of social networks” announced today that they will be utilizing the open-source Telegram app for its Android platform. Upon launch, GEMS users will be able to message users using the Telegram app or users utilizing any third-party messaging apps built on Telegram.

Also read: Gems Seeks to Become the Bitcoin of Social Networks

What is Telegram?

Telegram is an encrypted chat offers major privacy features for those interested, such as secret chats with self-destruct options. They also allow for enormous group chats of up to 200 people and even allow the sharing of media and document files.

Daniel Peled, the leader of the GEMS development team, said the following upon the announcement of the integration.

“Secure open-source code developed by Telegram helps us get to the market faster with all the messaging features, plus a critical mass of users with iOS and Android apps.”

Because of the Telegram integration, the GEMS  development team says the development progress will have the added advantage of focusing all efforts toward more important features, such as the built-in Bitcoin/GEMS wallet and the airdrop referral program.

Finding a Solution to GEMS Development Pace Concerns

Recently, GEMS came under worry from their community on the forums about the pacing of the Android development progress. Because they heard the concern, GEMS reacted with the Telegram announcement, saying the following:

“The pace of Android development for GEMS was being questioned on the forums and we felt there was a gap that needed to be addressed. Momentum is important and we had to find a solution. Moving the GEMS Android app forward using Telegram is the best way for the GEMS team to help us all take back social media. All Android users should be very pleased.”

Images courtesy of GEMS and Shutterstock.

Clay Michael Gillespie

Clay Gillespie a writer and reporter for many different platforms across the tech industry. He holds a B.S. in Public Relations from Ball State University and freelances for different clients in technology and cryptocurrency.
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