Home / Capital & Crypto / Dollar’s Brutal 100-Year Tailspin Guarantees a Spellbinding Bitcoin Rally

Dollar’s Brutal 100-Year Tailspin Guarantees a Spellbinding Bitcoin Rally

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Kiril Nikolaev
Last Updated

By CCN.com: The mighty US dollar appears to be one of the world’s safest currencies . This sense of security has blinded many from seeing that the greenback has lost tremendous value over the past 100 years, a fact that should send investors piling into a surging Bitcoin.

US Dollar Trapped in Irreversible Century-Long Downtrend

In the early 1900s, a dollar could get you a nice pair of patent leather shoes . The currency had so much value back then because there was only $7 billion in circulation. A hundred and twelve years later (2012), the U.S. money supply swelled to $13.3 trillion, and a dollar can fetch you one song from iTunes.

With an overabundance of dollars in circulation, it is not surprising that its purchasing power has diminished considerably over time. According to Merk Investments , the greenback has shed over 95% of its value since the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913.

Dollar lost value over time
The dollar’s purchasing power has cratered over the past century. | Source: Merk Investments

Applying technical analysis, the currency is not showing signs of a trend reversal. If this is was a chart of a bearish cryptocurrency, you’d likely stay as far away from it as possible for fear that it might go to zero.

Bearish Lisk (LSK/BTC) chart
Bearish Lisk (LSK/BTC) resembles the dollar’s market structure | Source: TradingView

Speaking of cryptocurrency, there’s one that offers superior returns over time.

Bitcoin Locked in Unstoppable Uptrend

Warren Buffett sees Bitcoin as rat poison, and so does the mass media establishment. Such criticism is unwarranted considering that the cryptocurrency is in a strong and long-term uptrend.

Chew on this: Bitcoin was valued at $0.07 on August 16, 2010. Fast-forward to today, and it is trading near $6,000. That’s a mind-boggling return of over 8.5 million percent in less than a decade. No other asset or currency generated similar returns in the same period.

Bitcoin’s massive uptrend from 2010 - 2019
Bitcoin’s massive uptrend from 2010 – 2019 | Source: BuyBitcoinWorldWide

It doesn’t stop there. While Bitcoin plummets between 70 percent and 93 percent in a bear market, the king of cryptocurrencies roars back in every subsequent bull market to generate mouth-watering returns between 5,343 percent and 59,100 percent. If this trend continues, Fundstrat  sees Bitcoin trading at $91,000 by 2020.

Bitcoin market cycles since 2010
Bitcoin market cycles since 2010 | Source: Fundstrat via MarketWatch

Looking at this chart, it is a no-brainer to trade your plunging US dollars for a surging cryptocurrency in Bitcoin. It not only shields you from the inflationary property of the greenback, but it also rewards you with staggering returns over time.

Bottom Line: Buy Bitcoin

Mass media has demonized Bitcoin when in reality, investors enjoy massive gains as the cryptocurrency remains in a long-term uptrend. On the contrary, the US dollar has lost more than 95% of its value in the past century.

With these figures, it absolutely makes sense to dump your greenbacks in favor of “rat poison.”

Kiril Nikolaev

Kiril is a CFA Charterholder and financial professional with 6+ years of experience in financial writing, analysis, and product ownership. He has a bachelor's degree with a specialty in finance and lives in Canada. Kiril’s current focus is on finance and cryptocurrencies. He owns Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. He holds investment positions in the coins but does not engage in short-term or day-trading. Get in touch with Kiril:
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