Home / Capital & Crypto / Bitcoin SV (BSV) Pumps 21% After Surprise Mention on Joe Rogan

Bitcoin SV (BSV) Pumps 21% After Surprise Mention on Joe Rogan

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Greg Thomson
Last Updated

The value of Bitcoin SV (BSV) rebounded 21% on Friday morning, fresh off the back of a surprise mention on the Joe Rogan Experience.

BSV’s gains outpaced the broader market, which rebounded 10% just hours after $83 billion exited the cryptocurrency market in a flash.

Bitcoin SV… Maybe?

During episode #1318  of the JRE podcast with prominent Twitter personality Hotep Jesus, the subject of Bitcoin SV popped up. As part of a larger conversation about the monopolous power of centralized social media platforms, attention turned to the revolutionary potential of blockchain.


Producer of the Joe Rogan podcast, Jamie Vernon (‘Young Jamie’), briefly mentioned the efforts of a friend who is attempting to host podcasts on the blockchain. That blockchain isn’t the PewDiePie fronted DLive, nor the veteran blockchain social media network, Steem. But according to Young Jamie, it might be Bitcoin SV.

“My friend uploaded an MP3 to the…BSV network maybe? It’s just very confusing…It might not be BSV, I might be wrong…”

That confusion is shared by podcast host Joe Rogan, who despite his enthusiasm for blockchain , admitted to zoning out whenever the subject is brought up. Vernon went on to ponder the logistics of hosting a podcast on the blockchain, asking:

“How do I get a three-hour podcast on there, and how are people gonna get it? It’s not figured out yet. People are definitely working on it; every day there’s been advances. I just don’t know how it’s gonna go.”

Bitcoin SV Price Pumps 21%

Whether by causality or coincidence, the value of Bitcoin SV soared 21% on Friday morning in the aftermath of the brief, shock mention on the most watched podcast on the planet.

From the daily low of $183.03, the value of BSV jumped to $221.85.

Bitcoin SV
Bitcoin SV sees a sizably sharp spike | Source: TradingView

While BSV proponents will squeeze as much juice from the JRE mention  as they can, the truth is a heavy rebound was probably already due.

After all, just hours previously the price of BSV plunged 26% during a crypto flash dip that wiped $83 billion from the global market cap. Bitcoin SV was one of the worst affected by the altcoin bloodletting that followed Bitcoin’s fall, and its rebound was likely to be just as impactful.

New readers should familiarise themselves with the messy history of Bitcoin SV, as well as that of its chief cheerleader, Craig Wright.

Click here for a real-time Bitcoin SV price chart.

Greg Thomson

Greg Thomson is a blockchain and cryptocurrency journalist who wades through the dirt so you don't have to. He contributed to numerous crypto news outlets before joining CCN.com and Hacked in 2018. Based in Glasgow, Scotland. Reach him at [email protected].
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