Home / Capital & Crypto / Bitcoin Capital & Max Keiser Launches Crowdfunding Campaign – Raises Close To $1 Million

Bitcoin Capital & Max Keiser Launches Crowdfunding Campaign – Raises Close To $1 Million

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Lester Coleman
Last Updated

Bitcoin Capital , a venture capital fund to invest in the highest growth startups in the blockchain, cryptocurrency, and bitcoin sector, has launched a crowdfunding campaign on BnkToTHeFuture.com and has already raised close to $1 million, according to the website.

The fund has attracted more than 500 investors since launching on the equity crowdfunding platform and will continue to raise funds for seven more days. By investing in Bitcoin Capital, investors new to bitcoin will be able to learn more about the sector while using the currency and the blockchain technologies.

Max Keiser to play a key role

Max Keiser, a financial journalist, virtual currency inventor, entrepreneur, and investor, will manage the new fund, along with Simon Dixon, an ex-investment banker, investor, entrepreneur, and co-founder of BnkToTheFuture.

Bitcoin Capital can pay investors daily dividends by investing a third of all funds raised in bitcoin mining. Bitcoin mining invests in sophisticated hardware that provides security to the bitcoin network in return for newly-created bitcoins. Bitcoin Capital is using newly-created bitcoins to pay daily dividends. This investment contrasts with traditional venture capital investing, where investors wait longer for a return.

The fund gives investors full exposure to the growing blockchain sector. The blockchain is the technology that supports bitcoin.

A new type of investment opportunity

“I have been critical of the traditional financial system for many years on my show,” Keiser said. “I was the first global news outlet to cover bitcoin when it was trading at $3, recognizing its potential to change the world. Many startups in the bitcoin space credit Keiser Report for getting them started in the business. Bitcoin Capital allows the founders and investors to experiment with new crypto financial business models and currencies to transform global finance.”

“We have developed a model for finding startups to invest in which involves them initially crowdfunding through the Crypto CrowdFunding site – StartJOIN, and then Bitcoin Capital may be able to top them up if they successfully raise their funds through an equity offering on BnkToTheFuture.com,” Dixon said.

“We are bringing different alternative finance technologies together and make them easy to use.”

Also read: Is Amazon building a new crowdfunding platform for inventors and investors?

A daily dividend for investors

“At the same time as investors benefiting from any growth of the sector, we are able to offer investors daily dividend determined by the mining process,” Dixon continued.

“We are able to do all the geeky things like running mining rigs in Iceland and buying coins on exchanges that investors who are new to the sector are unable to do. Thanks to our experience and involvement in the sector from very early on we are able to combine these new models of finance together.”

“There is so much happening with peer to peer, crowdfunding, bitcoin and blockchain technology that it is taking the investment community and financial sector by surprise. We know the sector inside-out and provide a very easy way for investors to get started and be directly involved in the future of finance. If the sector turns out to be as big as we think it will be, investors can benefit from the growth of the alternative finance and bitcoin sector as a whole.”

Lester Coleman

Lester Coleman is a media relations consultant for the payments and automated retailing industries.
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