Jarrod Dicker is the new CEO of blockchain media company P.oet. Dicker is making the move to Po.et while departing from his position as Vice President of Innovation and Commercial Strategy at The Washington Post.
Dicker believes Po.et will help put “…the power of written, visual and audio content back in the hands of creators”.
His ability to champion that cause is clear when considering Dicker’s previous career accomplishments, including:
Dicker believes Po.et won’t just help content creators express their artistry independently, but that it will also work to serve media companies, brands and marketers. He wants those industry stakeholders to be able to generate revenue using their own platforms, publishers and business models.
Dicker views the platform as an opportunity to provide transparency in media attribution and valuation.
His move from The Washington Post strengthens the platform’s broader appeal as digital media continues to evolve.
With first-generation content-driven brands like The Huffington Post recently announcing they will no longer compete alongside the Medium’s of the world, it looks as though power is shifting back into the hands of the creator.
This evolving trend along with the addition of Dicker and Po.et’s growing number of use cases is truly positioning the platform for growth.
Po.et offers several different use cases . They include:
The platform also boasts an experienced advisory team :
These are just some of the reasons Po.et’s market capitalization has soared to over $150 million after the project raised just $10 in its initial coin offering.
The world of content creation is vastly changing. Newspapers are no longer giant media conglomerates.
Social media platforms like Facebook have more control over advertising than ever before.
More and more websites like SteemIt and Medium allow anyone to start their own blog and build a following.
This is why poaching one of The Washington Post’s smartest people and bringing him to Po.et makes sense.
It’s also why platforms like Po.et, Ink Qtum and the like are going to continue changing the media landscape when it comes to publishing, advertising, the distribution of royalties, intellectual property rights, and the funding of creative productions.
Featured image from Shutterstock.