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Red Hat and BlockApps Partnernship Sees Enterprise Level Blockchain Development

Last Updated
James Moreau
Last Updated

In a press release  shared jointly, Red Hat Software, ConsenSys and BlockApps announced the launch of a new offering called STRATO on Red Hat’s OpenShift container application platform.

STRATO offers a single-node blockchain instance which will be where developers can test Ethereum blockchain applications in a sandbox.The STRATO RESTful API allows developers to connect applications to private, semi-private and public Ethereum blockchains.

STRATO ties in with Bloq, a web application software development kit that supports the core features of the Ethereum Solidity smart contract language. In theory, this partnership should allow developers already using Red Hat technology the ability to have a blockchain application up and running in a matter of minutes. STRATO additionally offers adjustable consensus formation algorithms and transaction verification rules such as instant, round-robin signature pools, proof of work and proof of stake for a variety of real-world applicability use-cases.

BlockApps, already tied in with Microsoft’s Azure, seems to target financial users of their STRATO product by offering high transaction throughput, faster transaction settlement time and turing-complete blockchain ledgers. They’ve also been responsible for EthereumH, which is the Haskell programming language protocol Ethereum implementation. Leadership within BlockApps has already stressed the importance of blockchain technology’s role to a wide variety of businesses in parallel with the importance that Oracle had with doing the same with databases.

Red Hat Software is a publicly traded and internationally recognized software company that offers open source software technology to a large variety of huge enterprise clients allowing them to build, develop and deploy a variety of applications using whatever frameworks, languages and technologies. Specifically the OpenShift’s platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering by Red Hat is meant to get applications built fast and at scale.

With many of the world’s biggest financial giants scrambling to get their heads around how they’re going to use blockchain technology, Red Hat could be well positioned to land some huge contracts with BlockApps on board with their offerings. Especially being involved with Jeff Garzik’s Bloq for specialized abilities in regards to blockchain technology, this may be just another one of many huge software companies looking to get into the blockchain business through strategic partnerships. Are businesses like Oracle, Salesforce or others going to make a play soon as well? 

Featured image from Shutterstock.