The Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) will host three Bitcoin core developers at the MIT Digital Currency Initiative today.
An MLTalks (MIT Labs) session will see three Bitcoin core developers in a conversation session hosted by former White House advisor Brian Forde today. The event is scheduled to start Tuesday, November 17, 2015, 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM.
A live webcast can be found streaming here .
Gavin Anderson, Cory Fields and Wladmir Wan der Laan are all expected to attend, Gavin Andersen, as many bitcoin enthusiasts already know took over as Satoshi Nakamoto as the Bitcoin open source software project’s lead maintainer. He still takes the mantle as the Chief Scientists of the Bitcoin foundation and is also a software developer at the MIT Digital Currency Initiative (DCI).
Corey Fields specializes in workflows and is another developer as a part of the Bitcoin Core. Wladimir Wan der Laan is also a developer at DCI and contributes by maintaining the core client through software testing, code reviewing and troubleshooting. He also plays a key role in communicating with open source contributors and coordinating the release process.
The three developers helped form a union along with patronage of the DCI, after the foundation did not see sufficient funding for the project to persevere. Despite the increasing adoption of the cryptocurrency, the trio hope to see more mainstream adoption of bitcoin in economies and societies around the world.
MIT’s Media Lab, the venue for the event is funded through several corporate sponsorships and other special interest sources. It has also previously hosted multiple events relating to Bitcoin in the past and will continue to do so in the future. The event is expected to be hosted among an audience of students, representatives of new startups and established institutions looking to tap into bitcoin and block chain technology.
Image from Shutterstock.