Home / Capital & Crypto / 21 Bitcoin Computer Is Available for Purchase Using Bitcoin

21 Bitcoin Computer Is Available for Purchase Using Bitcoin

Last Updated
James Moreau
Last Updated

The 21 Bitcoin Computer is now available for purchase in Bitcoin at its equivalent value to $399.00 USD on its official website. The latest billing option which allows purchase with Bitcoin also comes with added privacy and security in mind. The company does not ask for a name on the address and will send to a P.O. Box labeled simply for “Postal Customer.” This nuanced approach to billing and shipping with a level of anonymity in mind comes as a signal of support for the continued decentralized nature of Bitcoin and the privacy of its community and users. 


21 Inc, the company that offers the 21 Bitcoin Computer has been labeled by some as a potentially driving force behind Bitcoin’s mass-adoption through creating accessible technology and software for a wider variety of individuals to get involved with Bitcoin. As a product, the 21 Bitcoin Computer offers an entry-level option for developers to build a variety of Bitcoin-related apps allowing you to buy and sell digital goods for Bitcoin.

With more people having access to technology such as the 21 Bitcoin Computer, the potential for innovative applications of the technology will certainly increase. 21 Bitcoin developers have already released a large amount of documentation in an effort to make the 21 Bitcoin Computer’s library easier to use.

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Unveiled in September 2015, The hardware includes a mining chip, a 128 GB SD card loaded with a full copy of the Blockchain, a suite of pre-configured Bitcoin-enabled software and a variety of tutorials with material from Stanford’s CS251P Bitcoin course and the official Bitcoin Developer Documentation.

A customer service representative from 21 Inc. stated in an email that students who have a valid student email address should inquire about special pricing and programs:

“We do have a program for college students, students can email us from their school email address for more information.“

Currently, the 21 Bitcoin Computer is only available for shipment within the United States of America. However, 21 Inc. is accepting email submission forms from individuals who select their country in the address field of the “add to cart” field who wish to be notified if and when the 21 Bitcoin Computer will be available for purchase within their country.

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As we see 21 Inc. making an interesting consumer play with the 21 Bitcoin Computer, what remains to be seen is what the effects of the $116 of venture capital will be on the Bitcoin market as a whole in 2016 and beyond, including the idea of embedded mining through their smartphone chips. If making mining accessible from our homes was the goal of the 21 Bitcoin Computer, possibly mobile mining from wherever we use our phones could be next. As 21 Inc gets their name from the 21 million Bitcoins being mined, 21 Inc. might l help make a dent in that number even faster.

Images from 21 Inc.