Home / Markets News & Opinions / Zapchain Members Share Their Favorite Mobile Bitcoin Wallets With Each Other

Zapchain Members Share Their Favorite Mobile Bitcoin Wallets With Each Other

Last Updated March 4, 2021 4:41 PM
Connie Kearney
Last Updated March 4, 2021 4:41 PM

Zapchain, the fastest growing network of Bitcoin professionals, continues to be a great destination for community ideas and feedback. The simple question and answer site structure seems to provide just the right mix of education and engagement. And now, with the implementation of the Coinbase tip button, Zapchain allows members the ability to reward others for their contributions. An excellent feature and use case for bitcoin micro-transactions. Well done Matt.

Also Read: 7 of the Top 10 Free iPhone Bitcoin Apps are Mobile Wallets

While I was scrolling through recent questions, one particular question asked by filmmaker and screenwriter, Jonathan Schroder stuck out at me. But it didn’t stick out because I thought it was a great question, and I wanted to share my opinion with Jonathan, even though I did. No. It stuck out because I thought it was a great question, and it made me interested in reading everyone else’s answers.

Jonathan simply wanted to know, “what is your favorite mobile bitcoin wallet and why?”

Favorite Bitcoin Wallet Answers

Based on the current set of answers, the Coinbase app developed by Andrew Vilcsak seems to be a clear favorite amongst the Zapchain community. And although more people answered that the Coinbase mobile bitcoin wallet was their favorite, many other wallets received mentions including, Blockchain, Circle, and Xapo. Below are a few of the answers Jonathan received from his question.

Brock Pierce said:

For large balances I use Xapo, BitGo, and cold storage. Blockchain and Breadwallet have been my iOS go to wallets for day to day transactions.

Michael Scheuring said:

I use Blockchain’s wallet for the familiarity. It’s my primary wallet on the desktop, so it’s easy. I think airBitz has an amazing new wallet out for phones only. It’s got a great design, but still a little buggy. Not ideal just yet, but I can see switching to it in the near future.

Joanna Davidson said:

Only one I really use is Coinbase’s. It is easy to use and has all the features I need right now. Might have to check out some of the others mentioned, but just keeping it simple at the moment.

Michele Lokeśvara said:

GreenAddress: it simply works perfectly.

Tom Kysar said:

BitX. Clean, simple, and fingerprint verification sending w/ iPhone’s.

Jonathan Schroder himself answered:

I’ve tried many, but the most simple, clean, and convenient BTC wallet for my money is Circle’s. It’s what my guys like to call “idiot proof” and the ability to send/buy/receive BTC is remarkably easy.

You can read all the answers on the Zapchain page. Do you have a favorite mobile bitcoin wallet? Let us know in the comments or on Zapchain.

Image from Flickr and Shutterstock.