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WONO Peer-To-Peer Platform Presented on the Emerge Conference

Last Updated May 16, 2023 7:52 AM
Guest Writer
Last Updated May 16, 2023 7:52 AM
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WONO , the middleman-free environment for exchanging or renting assets and services, was selected by Emerge Conference jury and presented at Startup Alley in Minsk, Belarus, the new crypto-friendly jurisdiction. This year Emerge attracted more than 1000 attendees, including blockchain enthusiasts and investors from all over the world.

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WONO promises to solve one of the major problems of cryptocurrencies – inapplicability in real life. WONO team builds an environment for earning and spending in tokens, basically combining functions of Airbnb, Turo, Upwork and using all blockchain benefits, decentralization, transparency and territorial independence.

“There are several blockchain projects for business-to-client format and several blockchain projects for peer-to-peer format, but designed for a single market segment, e.g. freelancing or home rental. But we’re sure that B2C companies aren’t yet ready for crypto revolution and making single-market P2P services is actually a dead end because people will never use 15 kinds of tokens for 15 different purposes. The only way to tokenize peer-to-peer economy is to build a single platform for all kinds of transactions”, – says WONO CEO Alex Esaulov.

WONO  offers a completely new approach when you can earn tokens freelancing or renting out your property, and then spend them, ordering jobs and renting other users’ assets. Put simply, you can complete a landing page design and then rent a car for a week. Or rent out your expensive flat in NY and rent an affordable bungalow in LA, plus a bike and a surfboard, using no fiat money. What’s also unique, the deals are insured by other users who stake their tokens on the successful termination and win bonuses. Arbitration (dispute solving) is community-driven, too.


“The scheme where our user acts as a vendor, a customer, an insurer, an arbitrator and an investor is not only convenient. It determines our tokenomic success. User doesn’t have to withdraw his tokens – he has thousands of opportunities to spend them. That’s how we’re going to push demand and price of our token, once the project is launched” – explains WONO COO Andrei Chepelev.

Now WONO  is running private token pre-sale round, plans to start public pre-sale in June and ICO in July. The market release of the platform is scheduled for spring, 2019.