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Trump’s 2020 Bid Could Be Threatened by the Most Unlikely Source – Facts

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Aaron Weaver
Last Updated
  • Twitter has finally added a “fact-check” label to Donald Trump’s baseless tweets.
  • With nearly 15x the amount of Twitter followers as Joe Biden, Trump has a distinct advantage.
  • The new stain on his tweets could weaken that advantage.

Donald Trump is officially getting fact-checked by Twitter. From here forward, it appears as though the social media app will add a disclaimer to every Trump tweet that isn’t based in reality.

That could be an alarming amount.

Is it enough to put doubt in the minds of at least part of his following?

Twitter Gives Donald Trump the Fact-Check Treatment

After facing a massive backlash for refusing to take down Donald Trump’s erroneous tweets, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey might’ve done even better.

Trump’s tweets will remain visible, but they will now carry the stain of falsehood.

Every false tweet from Trump will now be marked as a lie. | Source: Twitter 

Twitter spokesperson Katie Rosborough  said Trump’s recent tweets about mail-in ballots,

contain potentially misleading information about voting processes and have been labeled to provide additional context around mail-in ballots.

Twitter dismantled the entire tweet thread, lie-by-lie. This is what you see after you click the “get the facts” icon:

Donald Trump
This is pure poetry. | Source: Twitter 

Joe Biden Is, Somehow, Gaining Momentum

While Joe Biden is not an ideal candidate for a laundry list of reasons, at least he’s running against someone worse. After his tone-deaf interview on The Breakfast Club, Biden really needed a boost.

His big face mask reveal must’ve at least won the hearts of Americans who don’t want their grandparents to die.

Joe Biden
Joe Biden doesn’t look cool, but he’s making the right impression. | Source: Twitter 

With Twitter’s new policy, will Trump see at least a slight decline in support?

Facts have never played a big part in his presidency or campaign run. But now, his deceptions will be unavoidable. Every time he tweets something that doesn’t check out — and that’s a lot — readers will get to see the other side.

While I would never underestimate the blind support of his followers, you have to think that those who’ve been on the fence will move slightly off of it.

Is that enough for “Sleepy Joe” to swoop in for the win? Who knows, but the 2020 election race just got a lot more interesting.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of CCN.com.

Aaron Weaver

Aaron is the U.S. editor of CCN.com located in Los Angeles. He has been a professional writer and comedian for over ten years. After graduating with honors from Western Michigan University, he's written extensively for newspapers, websites, and various TV shows and web series. Email: [email protected]. LinkedIn profile .
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