So Buckingham Palace is now looking for a Head of Digital Engagement, huh? Sad, but the best opportunity for Queen Elizabeth II to recruit the best in the business was when she hosted the NATO heads of state for dinner. Who is better qualified for the job than the leader of NATO’s most powerful country.
Putting aside his flaws and weaknesses, President Donald Trump is the best-placed person to up the Royal Household’s social media game. Trump is the man who can make Buckingham Palace’s digital presence great again.
Here are five reasons why he is the best man for the job.
The Royal Household wants the qualifying candidate to “spark interest and reach a range of audiences.” No one can do this better than Trump. Whatever Buckingham Palace wants to communicate, 45 is a viral machine. His critics will say most of his social media content is disinformation but hey, have you seen the number of likes, comments and retweets his content gets?
In the ad Buckingham Palace says that the role is about “never standing still and finding new ways to maintain The Queen’s presence in the public eye and on the world stage.” This sounds like it was tailor-made for Trump. Think about how many times the world has collectively held its breath in the face of a Trump tweet. Like when he threatened North Korea’s Kim Jong-un.
Whether it’s threatening other countries or creating a new word out of thin air , Trump is one of the strongest brands on social media. The Royal Household can piggyback on this well-established name to achieve its digital communication objectives cost-free.
Trump’s views on the European Union are well-known. It’s no secret he is looking forward to the U.K. leaving the bloc. Serving as the Queen’s Head of Digital Engagement is just the right opportunity for Trump to better understand U.K. citizenry. It will also serve as a gesture of goodwill, setting the right conditions for boosting the so-called “special relationship.”
People who wouldn’t want Trump as the Queen’s Head of Digital Engagement will argue that he is already president of the United States and has no time to carry out this role. Nonsense!
Granted, this is a full-time job but surely the Royal Household can make a few concessions for someone as qualified as 45. All Trump needs to do is cut back on golfing, rallies and maybe tweeting and he will have enough time for a second gig.
The biggest sacrifice would of course be tweeting. No worries, though. By now, Trump has trained several proteges to tweet like him, in his voice and character, and they are doing a terrific job. Dan Scavino Jr., the White House director of social media , immediately comes to mind.
The U.K. Conservatives have consolidated power and there’s no better way for the Royal Household to align with the Tory obsession with fiscal responsibility than by hiring unpaid volunteers whenever they can. So far, Trump has developed a philanthropic attitude towards public service and if he can turn down the $400,000 annual salary as POTUS, there is no way he is going to accept money from the 93-year old Liz.