Home / Capital & Crypto / Satoshi Nakamoto Hoard: Craig Wright Submits List of Bitcoin Addresses

Satoshi Nakamoto Hoard: Craig Wright Submits List of Bitcoin Addresses

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P. H. Madore
Last Updated

By CCN.com: Craig Wright’s attorneys successfully met the deadline by which he was required to submit a list of bitcoin addresses associated with the Tulip Trust, presumably proving whether or not he is Satoshi Nakamoto. The list is unfortunately redacted (see bottom of the article). As a result, blockchain experts outside the government have no way to analyze them.

A motion to redact immediately followed – and then approval of the redaction  – and also a “paperless” order to file the redacted version in the public record.

WizSec says  they have unredacted the list and analyzed the addresses in question.

List of Redacted Addresses Leaves Us in the Dark – Satoshi Nakamoto Coins or Not?

A cunning move on the part of Wright’s lawyers, who know full well that the reporters of the world definitively want access to that list. We’d love to know precisely how much bitcoin is allegedly held within the Tulip Trust. The publication of those addresses would also lead us to the blocks from which they derive and tell us other things we may not know about Wright’s background in Bitcoin. The genesis block Satoshi famously mined with a Coinbase message referencing “bailouts” cannot be spent but subsequent Nakamoto blocks certainly could.

The lawsuit brought against Craig Wright by Dave Kleiman’s brother Ira could be the first time a court decides whether or not Craig Wright has the right to call himself Satoshi Nakamoto. On these grounds alone, it is one of the most important happenings in crypto right now.

Several notable people have judged Wright to be a “fraud” in the court of public opinion, but that court holds far less consequence than the federal courts of the United States.

Whether Wright wins or loses the case is immaterial to his exposure as either being Satoshi Nakamoto or not. Anti-Wright folks in the crypto industry will undoubtedly view the redaction as an effort to delay the inevitable exposure as “faketoshi”, but from a higher view, the redaction likely has other reasons behind it. Recent talk of modifying the Bitcoin blockchain serves as a great reason to keep public addresses as private as possible.

Still, blockchain sleuths have long speculated on the existence of the Satoshi horde, the overwhelming majority of which has never moved. Since we ‘don’t have the addresses, although a Federal court now does, we don’t even know if the addresses claimed by Wright are the same addresses known to belong to Satoshi Nakamoto.

Wright “Clears Up Some History as the Creator of Bitcoin”

The “put up or shut up” moment approaches quickly in the case of Craig Wright, who has more vociferously proclaimed his identity as Satoshi Nakamoto in recent times. In a blog post today, he wrote :

“In order to clear up some areas around my history as the creator of Bitcoin for people, I need to point out a few fallacies. Firstly, there is the fallacy that Satoshi acted in a particular way. The reality is that as Satoshi, I interacted with people who held views that differed from mine. In creating Bitcoin, I sought to create an honest and legally enforceable cash system. To be cash, that is to be money, Bitcoin needs to be neutral. It is not a system that is friendly to crime but a system that is friendly to most people. Such are people who act across the law in a variety of ways.”

Craig Wright Lawsuit Document  by on Scribd

Craig Wright Lawsuit Document  by on Scribd

P. H. Madore

P. H. Madore has written for CCN since 2014. Please send breaking news tips or requests for an investigation to [email protected]. He lives in Maine, USA. A single father of four young children, he does not discourage financial donations, provided they do not come with strings attached.
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