Samsung is bringing the Galaxy Fold back from the dead. The South Korean smartphone maker had initially launched the device in April this year, but it was forced to beat a retreat when it emerged that the innovative device’s fold mechanism could be faulty and cause the display to malfunction.
Review units of the Galaxy Fold made it evident that Samsung has probably brought a half-cooked device to the market in a hurry. There were reports that the first iteration of the Galaxy Fold became unusable after just two days of usage when reviewers inadvertently removed the protective film on the screen.
But Samsung says all that it fixed now and the Galaxy Fold will hit select markets in September.
The return of the groundbreaking smartphone comes at a crucial time for Samsung, which is still feeling the repercussions of the embarrassment of the exploding Samsung Note 7 .
A Samsung press release says that the company has taken steps to improve the design of the foldable device, and put it through “rigorous tests” to see if it is durable.
More specifically, Samsung’s new iteration of the Galaxy Fold is equipped with a bigger protective layer that extends beyond the bezel of the device to make it look like a part of the display. Samsung has done this to ensure that users don’t remove the layer inadvertently.
The Galaxy Fold now comes with new features to protect the flexible display, such as more metal layers below the display and reduced space between the body and the hinge.
Samsung had made a bold move earlier this year when it tried to change the status quo in the smartphone space. While the world is now accustomed to the same form factor with massive screens, the South Korean giant brought in the Galaxy Fold as a whiff of fresh air.
Unfortunately, there were multiple reports of the device failing in a short span of time. The world still remembers
Reviewers reported that their review units were easily scratched and nicked, while the formation of mysterious bulges led to the screen eventually cracking. Now that Samsung claims it has fixed those problems with the device, it will be interesting to see if it manages to turn its fortunes around in the smartphone industry.
According to market research firm IDC , Samsung’s first quarter 2019 smartphone shipments fell 8% year over year, and its market share slipped by four basis points. The South Korean giant will be hoping that the improved Galaxy Fold gives its sales a shot in the arm.
But if the earlier problems resurface, Samsung might have to kill the Galaxy Fold once again.