Home / Markets News & Opinions / Research by AI-Based Trading Platform OpenBlock Shows That Manual Day Trading Could Soon Be Obsolete

Research by AI-Based Trading Platform OpenBlock Shows That Manual Day Trading Could Soon Be Obsolete

Last Updated May 19, 2023 10:16 AM
Guest Writer
Last Updated May 19, 2023 10:16 AM

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Cryptocurrency trading, although volatile, is an extremely lucrative trading opportunity and gives much better returns than commodities and stock exchange combined, if you are good at it. While much of the cryptocurrency trading is still manual, just like a stock exchange, AI programs have been developed for making these short-term trades with minimum risk possible. It is believed that manual trading will soon become obsolete in every exchange market and the money you will make will directly depend on the kind of algorithm you have deployed to your advantage.

Who can be an active proponent of this view?

An AI-based trading company of course! OpenBlock, a new trading company specializing on AI bots  has found out through extensive research that individual traders try to take advantage of multiple aspects of cryptocurrencies but without much know-how of the risks associated with them including high volatility. There is also the added factor of the crypto market being open 24/7 around the world rather than other exchanges that are only open eight hours a day from 9-5. So, it is not humanly possible for any single individual to be up and about 24/7 and make the trades and thus avoid big losses in between according to the research by the OpenBlock research.

What is the solution?

Most traders agree that a certain degree of automation is needed to help curtail the extraordinary losses in the crypto trading market and bring a certain degree of stability. Trading has also become extremely complex with analysis of 30-day moving averages, constant data from unbiased sources and getting the right information at the right time becoming really important. So, AI can be employed as an effective trading strategy since computers can do all this faster quicker and 24 hours a day with precision.

The Advantages of OpenBlock’s AI-based Trading Bot

There are different AI-based bots available for trading in the market with different advantages. Risk reduction is, of course, one of the hallmarks of AI-based trading. OpenBlock’s OBi  is its automated cryptocurrency trading bot and it has the potential to bring healthy trading returns to the people operating from the OpenBlock platform.


There are dozens of cryptocurrencies and fiat trading pairs available in the Obi platform. It autonomously detects the right trades to be made by scanning the entire market and its trading pairs which are not possible at all for a human alternative. The bot has the capacity to trade almost 1200 round trips in a single 24-hour period. OpenBlock firmly believes that AI is the future of trading and is allowing full transparency of the project for gaining user confidence in its trading bot since it is natural to feel reluctant to hand over your cryptocurrencies over to a bot. OpenBlock also livestreams trades in real time and users are in total control of the situation and can override the bot when they want. Visit the Website: https://openblock.co.