Yesterday, Sony dashed any hopes of PS5 news this week, confirming that the focus will be on PS VR. Yet, a tweet authored – and swiftly deleted – by the Guilford branch of video game retailer GAME, says Sony has scheduled an announcement for tomorrow.
The tweet reads:
Those awaiting preorders and have Ryi. Please standby for updates. PS5 have scheduled an announcement tomorrow so things are about to kick off this week.
The tweet’s phrasing certainly hints at some major PS5 news, potentially an announcement about when pre-orders will go live and a price.
For those unfamiliar with GAME, the retailer can be compared to GameStop in the US and stands as one of the last remaining multi-branch retailers specialized in video games.
A large chunk of next-gen pre-orders in the UK will go through GAME, implying the retailer will be in the loop as to Sony’s next-gen plans (under a strict NDA), notably an announcement regarding pre-orders to allow time for preparations. The tweet’s quick deletion suggests an employee let the cat out of the bag earlier than intended.
While Sony isn’t prone to reactionary moves and mostly marches to the beat of its own drum, this lead-up to the next-gen has been anything but typical, notably in the context of the widely speculated game of pricing chicken with Microsoft and the rapid approach of the holiday 2020 release window.
With Microsoft finally lifting the curtain on the Series S and its $299 price tag, allied to loud rumors of a $499 Series X , Sony is no longer required to play the waiting game. Confirming a price and release date is long overdue. Sony must be eager to get the ball rolling with Microsoft having blinked first.