In its latest earnings investor call, Electronic Arts (EA) reveals that it intends to release the next Battlefield game in the fiscal year 2022 with a heavy focus on next-generation platforms.
EA says the next entry should see the light of day between April 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022.
The transcript reads;
Targeting new innovation that will be enabled by next-gen platforms and a growing install base on the new consoles, our next Battlefield game is set for FY22.
EA appears to have abandoned the yearly cycle of Battlefield titles for a more focused approach. EA hopes this will allow the adoption of the next-generation consoles to pick up speed, thus securing a wide install base. The earnings call emphasizes that the next Battlefield title will lead the charge in the fiscal year 2022.
EA confirms it will continue to plug content for beleaguered Battlefield V in the meantime, as we saw with the spectacular trailer for the game’s next expansion this week.
To plug the shooter shaped gap in the interim, EA is doubling down on battle royale Apex Legends. The company is investing in what it calls ‘our shooter’ for 2021. EA says the game is a ‘major long-term franchise,’ stating;
We’re focused on expanding to mobile, new platforms, and new geographies, as well as launching an Apex competitive gaming program.
The earnings call also makes numerous mentions of ‘live services’ as a central pillar of EA’s model. This means we are unlikely to see the publisher slow down on the aggressive monetization of its biggest franchises.
For the fiscal year 2021, EA also revealed it is bringing a new sports title to its annual release cycle. Alongside, we can expect remastered versions of other fan favorites beyond the already announced Command & Conquer. The company is also launching Medal of Honor VR, and two new unannounced third-party titles.