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New PS5 Spider-Man Game Doesn’t Deserve a Clumsy Sony Executive

Last Updated
Jasmine Henry
Last Updated
  • Sony’s clumsy reveal of PS5 exclusive Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales may have ruined the game’s big moment.
  • A Sony boss called the game an “expansion,” making fans think it would be DLC in a PS5 version of the game.
  • Thinking that the game is an expansion may have made some gamers not want to buy it.

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales was forced to issue a clarification today after a Sony boss damaged the reveal of its new PS5 exclusive.

Speaking to The Telegraph , Simon Rutter, executive vice president head of European business at Sony Interactive Entertainment said:

I guess you could call it an expansion and an enhancement to the previous game. There’s a substantial Miles Morales component — which is the expansion element — but also within the game as well there’s been major enhancements to the game and the game engine, obviously deploying some of the major PlayStation 5 technology and features.

The comments led to major confusion among fans and the gaming press. Publications such as IGN  were forced to publish updates to their articles about the game.

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a Standalone Game

However, Miles Morales developer Insomniac Games says the game is a new, standalone title and isn’t an expansion to Marvel’s Spider-Man, which released on PS4 in 2018. Insomniac’s community director James Stevenson confirmed it is a standalone title, which suggests it was something many people have been asking about.

Insomniac Games Miles Morales tweet
  Insomniac Games’ community director confirmed that Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a standalone game. | Source: Twitter 

Rutter’s comments will surely be frustrating for Insomniac Games.

Expansion Comments May Have Damaged the Game’s Reveal

If the game was an expansion and not standalone, it may have also prompted some to think that the game is a much smaller DLC. A Bloomberg report about the game  suggests that Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales will be smaller than Marvel’s Spider-Man but it will be much larger than an expansion.

Spider-Man Miles Morales isn’t a reskinned enhancement of the PS4 original. | Source: Twitter 
Sony’s senior management botched this up. Source: Twitter 

Sony’s botched announcement may have damaged the game’s potential for success, but it will still be able to show gamers how big the game is. Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales will be a launch title so it’s unlikely that Sony won’t be talking about the game as much as it can before release.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of CCN.com.

Jasmine Henry

Jasmine is a technology and pop culture writer from the UK. Reach her at jstationx.com and via email at [firstname] at jstationx dot com. Visit her LinkedIn here .
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