Home / Gaming News & Opinions / Call of Duty’s 66 GB Update is Modern Warfare Against Your Xbox

Call of Duty’s 66 GB Update is Modern Warfare Against Your Xbox

Last Updated September 23, 2020 2:24 PM
Max Moeller
Last Updated September 23, 2020 2:24 PM
  • Modern Warfare needs to stop its massive file size updates.
  • Eventually, players will move to other titles.
  • Data caps are a thing, Activision!

Xbox One players must download another massive update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and its Warzone battle royale. With a 66GB size, the title is well on its way to the 300GB mark.

But how much is too much?

Modern Warfare and Egregious File Sizes

Modern AAA games hit anywhere from 40 to 60GB on consoles, with small exceptions. On a typical 1TB hard drive, players can hold 12-15 games of varying size – keep in mind the OS needs space, too.

Modern Warfare Still
We get it – the game is pretty. But what’s with these file sizes? | Source: Activision

Having Modern Warfare installed significantly cuts that available space. That’s not to mention other battle royales and games as a service, like Apex Legends or one of the later Assassin’s Creed games.

At some point, this has to be too much. It’s obnoxious to expect players will install continuous massive updates.

Gamers now meme Modern Warfare on Twitter consistently.

An annoying strategy for sure. | Source: Twitter 
That’s perspective. | Source: Twitter 

Keep in mind this most recent patch is bug fixes. It hit 2GB on PC and PlayStation 4, but Microsoft’s patch delivery system had a bug increasing the file size . But that doesn’t change the point.

Modern Warfare’s egregious downloads aren’t going to stop here. With bigger, prettier games next-gen, we can expect massive file size increases across the board.

Data Cap Limitations

Keep in mind players are stuck at home right now. They’ll want more games to play than ever before. Warzone will surely get the boot if it hits a significant threshold.

Data caps are a thing, too. Some players can only afford to download a couple of hundred GB a month. Beyond that, they’ll stick to single-player titles over consistent multiplayer ones.

Watch: Modern Warfare’s File Sizes are Far too Big

On the bright side, Modern Warfare allows players to cut some features – only installing those they need.

But why that big in the first place?