After nearly 17 years, Steam’s search function is finally looking pretty decent.
Fine-tuned as part of Valve’s trial by fire Steam Labs experiments, changes to Steam search hit the client late yesterday. As per an official blurb penned for the occasion , they bring in new filtering capabilities and quality of life improvements.
Among them is the capacity to narrow down results based on price thanks to a new price slider and a filter that only returns game with special offers. It’s a neat way to hone in on the best deals during one of Steam’s popular seasonal sales.
There’s also a new filter that removes already-owned, ignored, and wish listed games from search results. In the same vein, it’s now possible to exclude VR titles as well.
The tag function has also changed. When clicking on a particular tag, you’ll now get a preview of how many results will show up in search. Additionally, search now allows you to exclude certain tags.
The changes also finally introduce infinite scroll. This will be a boon to anyone that’s spent anytime searching for a new go-to game and had to click from one result page to the next manually. Steam will also remember your position in the search results if you visit a game’s listing then jump back to search.
Steam’s shiny new search should now make it easier than ever to sort through the piffle and find games worth playing. Due to Valve’s relatively lax submission policies , pretty much anyone and their uncle can add a game to the digital storefront, which makes sifting through the mire a tedious exercise at best.
The new update should help with discoverability and allow us to land on those obscure gems, rather than the trash Steam seems to house in droves.