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Mainstream Media Downplayed the Coronavirus Just as Much as Donald Trump

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Jon Hall
Last Updated
  • As mainstream media outlets bash Trump for delayed action, they were continually downplaying the severity of the virus.
  • Even after President Trump banned travel from China, articles from mainstream sources criticized the action.
  • The reality of the coronavirus has become evident, no matter the mainstream spin.

Donald Trump has taken his fair share of criticism for downplaying the coronavirus. But we seem to forget that the mainstream media was doing the same thing.

Headlines Downplayed the Now-Pandemic Level Coronavirus

Story after story was published, like this one from a local Los Angeles ABC affiliate :

Amid coronavirus panic, doctors remind public: Flu is deadlier, more widespread.

Another article from the National Post  declares:

Infectious-disease experts say it’s appearing less menacing than first thought, maybe more like seasonal flu than, say, SARS.

On January 29, Axios questioned why there was a panic  over the virus, and Wired proposed a de-escalation against “the war on the coronavirus.” 

Even the Associated Press got in on the action, with the headline :

Is the new virus more ‘deadly’ than flu? Not exactly.

With 1.7 million cases and 102,959 dead worldwide  from the coronavirus, it begs the question: what was the mainstream media focusing on when the U.S. announced the first case of the virus? 

Why, Donald Trump’s  impeachment trial , of course.

Mainstream Media Bias Uncovers Slanted Reporting

Mainstream media’s apathetic reaction toward the coronavirus might also have to do with President Trump’s restrictions on travel from China  announced on January 31.

The New York Times noted in their article detailing the travel ban :

Some public health and policy experts said the restrictions announced Friday, weeks after the virus was discovered in China, might not do as much officials hoped in containing the contagion. At this point, sharply curtailing air travel to and from China is more of an emotional or political reaction, said Dr. Michael T. Osterholm…

The Verge, also reporting on Trump’s travel ban :

The new policies contradict advice from the World Health Organization (WHO), which said yesterday that countries should not restrict travel or trade in their response to the new virus. The WHO said that the outbreak of the coronavirus is a public health emergency of international concern.

Lyndsey Fifield, a senior contributor at America’s Future Foundation, exposed the Washington Post for quoting a Chinese foreign minister in their article criticizing Trump’s China ban.

Lyndsey Fifield exposing Washington Post quoting a Chinese foreign minister.
Source: Twitter 

In hindsight, it was just negligent and manipulative for the mainstream media to downplay the severity of the coronavirus.

Most mainstream outlets were too busy either covering the nothing-burger impeachment trial as the outbreak spread or trashing Trump for taking action against what became a pandemic .

We’re at the point where UK police officers are telling children they can’t play their front yards.


Last I checked, police didn’t force people into their homes for the seasonal flu.

One thing is for sure; the anti-Trump media will stop at no cost in their efforts to delegitimize and attack the President – even amid a global pandemic.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of CCN.com.

Jon Hall

Jon Hall is a U.S.-based reporter, consisting of coverage of U.S events, global affairs, and other stories you'd never see the mainstream media touch. He has been featured on Zerohedge and the Drudge Report. He can be reached at [email protected] for feedback or comments.
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