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Kristen Bell’s Sob Story Is the Most Pathetic Thing You’ll Watch Today

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Kate Prince
Last Updated
  • Kristen Bell is the latest in a long line of celebrities to say she was dubbed not “pretty enough” by casting directors.
  • The Frozen 2 star was told to give up on the Hollywood dream.
  • Newsflash Bell: They were right, so save us all from your hypocrisy.

Actress Kristen Bell recently spoke to Vanity Fair  about life as an up-and-coming star in the industry. Of course, it wasn’t all sunshine and roses, but is it ever?

Like many hopeful Hollywoodites, Bell faced criticism from directors:

I remember early on, getting feedback, that I wasn’t enough in either category. I would get feedback from an audition: Well, you’re not pretty enough to play the pretty girl, but you’re not quirky enough to play the weird girl.

Is anyone else tired of these sob stories that seem to be oozing out of showbusiness like pus from a wound? No? Well, then you can watch Bell’s cringeworthy interview here:


Kristen can’t seriously think we give a rat’s behind that a couple of directors took a shot at her looks. There were severe, despicable things happening to actresses back in the day, and Bell wants us to shed a tear over this nonsense?

Frankly, they’re right!

Kristen, you lack what it takes, but you still made it. What does that say?

Kristen Bell Should Thank Her Lucky Stars

kristen bell
If we’re being honest, you’re straight down the middle. You’re dull, no thrills, and just okay enough to get by – like Anna Kendrick, only blonde. | Source: Kathy Hutchins/Shutterstock.com

I do not deny that Kristen is a talented lady. She belts out tunes in Frozen and Frozen 2 that are undeniably catchy. At least in that Disney starlet sort of way. I couldn’t do that – and you probably couldn’t either.

But in the grand scheme of things, she is no Meryl Streep. She doesn’t – and never will – hold a candle to the greats of cinema. At best, she’s mediocre.

Kristen Bell
Source: Instagram 

Kristen, no one cares if someone told you you’re not a knock-out. No one will lose any sleep over the time you were told you’re not weird enough, either. They had a point. You’re neither stunningly beautiful nor a queen of the body positive movement a la Lena Dunham.

If we’re being honest, you’re straight down the middle. You’re dull, no thrills, and just okay enough to get by – like Anna Kendrick, only blonde.

Stop Complaining And Appreciate What You Have

Perhaps it’s time for Kristen to sit back and do some hard thinking about the industry that she actively sought out. She’s not a stupid girl. Hollywood has long since been a world that buys into looks above talent. While that’s starting to change slowly, it’s still a huge factor.

Kristen Bell
Source: Instagram 

Besides, Kristen actively buys into the facade herself. If she really wanted to prove that looks mean nothing, she would fire her glam squad and shun the designer dresses she gets gifted for red carpet events. You can bet your bottom dollar that Bell wouldn’t be without her beloved hair and make-up team.

Not only do you buy into the egocentric hype, Kristen, but you also helped to create it. Remember that on your next trip to the salon.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of CCN.com.

Kate Prince

Kate Prince is an established lifestyle and entertainment writer from Oxfordshire, England. Kate is a scriptwriter for multiple YouTube channels and writes freelance full-time for a variety of great brands including Buzznet, Investing, CCN, and more. You can contact Kate via email at [email protected] . You can also follow her on Twitter  or reach her on LinkedIn .
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